Reminder “UNAoC PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival Call for Entries 2013” on World Day for Diversity and development
On the occasion of World Day for Diversity and Development (21 May) IAAI - as one of the partners...
On the occasion of World Day for Diversity and Development (21 May) IAAI - as one of the partners...
IAAI secretary general Miroslav Polzer, Global Youth Music Contest team members Jessica and Sandra as well as representatives of several...
"Europe for Africa & Africa for the World" IAAI has been partner of a 2 days conference on EU-Africa relations...
Global Challenges Centers - local multistakeholder partnerships for sustainable development linked among themselves and with UN system through a shared... The Global Challenges Youth Music Contest is an online music video competition for young people organized by International Association...
Invitation/Einladung PLURAL+ Österreich Preisverleihung - PLURAL+ Austria Award ceremony Ort/Venue: Votiv Kino (Währingerstraße 12, 1090 Wien) Zeit/Date: 27. Februar 2013, ...
Invitation: How to Institutionalize, Finance and Monitor Multistakeholder Action for the Future We Want? - Exploratory meeting at Vienna International...
IAAI is working very closely with ACUNS Liaison office in Vienna (head: Michael Platzer) since joint organization of ACUNS summer...
15/15/15 Implementation Strategy Development Workshops in New York (September 2012) and Vienna (October 2012) identified the need for a multistakeholder...
Global Challenges Youth and Technology Centers (in short "GloCha Centers") An institutional Model for Integrated Youth focused Capacity Building in...