IAAI Press Conference: GloCha Center Klagenfurt and Rio 2012YSWC–Press Conference Videos & media coverage available



(from left) Gorazd Alexander Weiss, Miroslav Polzer, Andrea Wulz, Sabrina Schifrer, Walter Lichem, Bernard Sadovnik, Willibald Liberda

On August 18th 2011 International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) has organized a Press Conference “- GloCha Center Klagenfurt and Rio 2012 YSWC”. Videos of the press conference speakers and links of media coverage are now available.

Videos of the press conference speakers (in german):

·     Dr. Miroslav Polzer (http://vimeo.com/27901412 ), Head of ASO Ljubljana and Secretary General- International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges

·     Mag.a Andrea Wulz (http://vimeo.com/27899670 ), Stadrätin für Wissenschaft und Umwelt der Stadt Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

·     Brigadier Willibald Liberda (http://vimeo.com/27902285) & Bernard Sadovnik (http://vimeo.com/27902144 ), Patenschaft für Mehrsprachigkeit

·     Dr. Walther Lichem (http://vimeo.com/27901014 ), Klagenfurter Spitzendiplomat a. D.

·     Mag.a. Sabrina Schifrer ( http://vimeo.com/27902319 ), gain&sustain

·     Q&A – http://vimeo.com/27902414


Links to Media Coverage (in German):