IAAI people, governance and GloCha center Klagenfurt – news from IAAI Extraordinary General Assembly September 2011

IAAI I held an extraordinary general members’ assembly 15 September 2011 in Klagenfurt (Austria) in the context of the workshop for the preparation of “Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest” https://www.glocha.info/index.php/glocha-initiatives/gcsw and the international conference “Knowledge, Youth and Global Commons: Reorienting Knowledge Systems and Intergenerational Relations to Sustainable Development and Rio+20” https://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/150-conference2011-3
At the General Assembly Ms. Francesca Giannotti (Multistakeholder Strategist, Advisor & Advocate – Geneva/Switzerland) has been elected as president of IAAI.
IAAI president Francesca Giannotti and IAAI secretary Miroslav Polzer at the GA in Klagenfurt
Further members of IAAI board and of key management team:
- Blaž Golob (director of Center for eGovernance Development in Southeast Europe – Ljubljana/Slovenia), vice-president
- Miroslav Polzer (till 31 december 2011 head of Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana, Klagenfurt/Austria), secretary general (IAAI General assembly agreed also on providing the secretary general with the authority to represent IAAI in legal issues in addition to the president, Art 13/1)
- Biljana Apostolova (project manager, Policy expert/researcher, Skopje/Macedonia), deputy secretary general
- Gorazd Weiss (program manager Slovenia & Austria)
- Jean Paul Brice Affana, Cameroon, Youth affairs, Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest coordinator
- Anam Gill, Pakistan, Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest outreach coordinator
- Billy Batware, Rwanda, NGO networking issues
- Jessica Kennedy White, UK & Austria & Sandra Antonović Croatia, Education for Sustainable Development experts/adviser
- Michael Platzer, Austria, link to Academic Council on the United Nations System ACUNS
- Ivana Vujovic (Juventas, Montenegro), science communication expert/adviser
- Ivana Savić, Blegrade/Serbia, expert on the rights of the child & Rio+20 (UNCSD Major Group for Children and Youth organizing partner)
- Ninad Penava (freelance journalist, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina) PR
- Priti Rajagopalan, India, knowledge commons epxert/adviser
Since IAAI General Assembly 2011 global youth representatives constitute the majority of IAAI membership.
New members are welcome! please find online membership application form here: https://glocha.info/index.php/iaaiinfo1/membership/individual. Applications will be discussed at next IAAI virtual board meeting (probably February 2012) and applicants/new members contacted immediately afterwards.
At IAAI extraordinary assembly the bylaws of IAAI have been changed such that the official seat of IAAI has been moved from Vienna to Klagenfurt (Art1 of bylaws). The reason for this change is that IAAI has launched a “Global Challenges Center Klagenfurt” (more info https://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/140-presse & video of launch http://vimeo.com/32509223) which shall be developed into the central technical-administrative hub for IAAI/GloCha initiatives (like toe 15/15/15 resource mobilization initiative, Global Forum on Philanthropy and Research and Education funding etc., for details see IAAI input to the Rio+20 Zero Draft Outcome document consultations http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?page=view&nr=105&type=510&menu=20&template=509&str=iaai) over coming years (in cooperation with City of Klagenfurt, University of Klagenfurt, international research and funding partners etc.)
Aerial photo of University of Klagenfurt, Lakeside Science park and envisaged GloCha headquarter location in Klagenfurt/Austria
(find on google maps
Another change of bylaws has been to introduce a “Scientific advisory board” instead of the “Program and Fund management Board” which had been in the bylaws (Art 15) from the very beginning of IAAI.
IAAI General Assembly elected Mr Jerome C. Glenn (director of the global network of futures studies experts “Millennium project” and former president of IAAI) as chair of IAAI scientific advisory board.
The board election results and changes of bylaws have been approved recently by Austrian public authorities and can be found also on Austria Register of Associations: http://zvr.bmi.gv.at . IAAI number in this register (ZVR number) is 918790591.