Invitation – Rio+20 Arts and Media Partnership Workshop in New York

Rio+20 Arts and Media Partnership Workshop


23rd of March 2012



UN Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, 2nd floor

Live webbroadcast:

(brought to you by What’s up Youth Professional Services & Operated by; JAS Productions):


       International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges, IAAI

       NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns

       Spiritual United Nations

       Alas de Rio  

       Earth Charter Youth Network  

       Friendship Ambassadors Foundation

–       Global Campaign for Climate Action

       Institute of International Social Development (IISD),

       UN Staff Recreation Council – SEAT & Feng Shui Club


Raise Public Awareness on Rio+20 and political support for Rio+20 through innovative partnerships with media and creative industries/arts globally.

Link the global media partnerships network of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest with Rio+20 preparatory and follow-up processes.

To provide an opportunity to UN agencies, CSOs, official delegations etc. to present their planned Rio+20 initiatives and plans which have an arts and media focus (concerts, celebrities, etc.) in order to enable creation of synergies.


        – Media (including radio and TV)

        – Celebrities/entertainment industries

        – Social media ((youth driven) social networks, social media campaigns, serious games, .. )

Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest gives young people from around the world a voice in Rio+20. More than 200 music videos with youth messages from more than 40 countries from around the world have been submitted by the submission deadline March 18th March. Now we are in the phase of spreading the message to those preparing Rio+20 conference and to the general global public by inviting everybody to watch the music video clips at and to show appreciation for this wonderful collaborative effort of global youth energizing Rio+20 by voting for the songs with the strongest message and the strongest heart power. The winners will be awarded a trip to Rio+20 and an opportunity to perform there at one of the big events there.

Draft Agenda:

9.30 – 10.00 AM          Welcome and Introduction to the Topic

                        (chair: Miroslav Polzer, IAAI and Sharon Hamilton Getz, SUN & CSVCG& IAAI NY)

        Representative of Rio+20 secretariat or executive bureau

        Representative of UN DPI Outreach division

        Representative of Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the UN

        Representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Portugal


Screening of example(s) of music produced by young people from around the world for Rio+20 GYMC

10.00 – 10.45     Tour de Table / brief information about planned activities of WS participants

                              with Michael Strauss, Earth Media (Rio+20 media adviser)


10.45 – 11.00     Coffee break


11.00 – 12.30     People Power energizing the UN – Leveraging the Power of Youth combined with the Power of Music and (Social) Media and Celebrities

                              Chair: Jean Paul Brice Affana, Global Coordinator of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest


Workshop participants (e.g. Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest Coordinators and their media partners) present – briefly! – their initiatives (plus handouts)

        Fátima Vieira, University of Porto/Portugal

        Sandra Antonovic, Nektarina, Zagreb/Croatia

        Brian Kaufmann, The Sounding board, Boston, Rio+20 GYMC US coordinator

        Jesse Windels, UN CSD Education Caucus

        Nora Mahmoud, Earth Charter International Youth network

        Michael Slaby, The Feather project (via skype)

        Sofia Garcia, Alas de Rio

        United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Plural+ Youth Video Contest

        Eliane Sussman, Friendship Ambassadors Foundation

        MTV (to be confirmed)

        MobilizeUS (to be confirmed)

        Paul Horsman, Global Campaign for Climate Action – Win a Date with History

        Aleksandar Simić, UN Goodwill Ambassador for UN Alliance of Civilizations

        Lalanath De Silva, WRI, Director of The Access Initiative

–        James Hanusa, Stakeholder Forum, building local alliances with creative communities for SD and Rio+20 in San Francisco (via skype)