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15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership has been developed in the context of Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation which is being facilitated by IAAI secretary general Miroslav Polzer (http://uncsd.iisd.org/news/rio20-issues-cluster-on-innovation-produces-brief-on-innovation-for-sustainable-development/)


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15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula’:


Global civil society on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance.


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Graph: Global Citizens and their Resources for Addressing Global Challenges in the context of UN system



15/15/15 Rationale: [1]


The world is facing increasing global challenges (climate change, biodiversity loss, sustainable development gaps, poverty, etc.) with increasingly weak national governments and the central international response mechanism to global challenges – the United Nationsnot being equipped with resources on an adequate level.


But there are significant resources (financial resources, knowledge, workforce, heartpower) at the disposal of every single global citizen which could be potentially channeled towards addressing global challenges and in support of United Nations system if appropriate mechanisms were in place (see IAAI input to Rio+20 consultations for details: http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/content/documents/105IAAI_Input_CompilationdocumentRio20vers3_Oct30.pdf).


United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) www.uncsd2012.org offers a big “window of opportunity” for systemic innovation in the field of global governance and a cultural shift towards individual global social responsibility.

Implementation measures:[2]


      Heads of Government and State and UN system shall lay at Rio+20 the foundation for giving global civil society (and especially youth) more space in global governance. This determination shall be manifested by giving space for a Global Challenges Center at UN Headquarter in New York which will provide civil society (and local governments) with premises for meetings, major groups secretariats, easily accessible UN system outreach activities to creative industries, volunteers, etc.  

      Cities and other local and regional authorities shall establish Global Challenges Centers forinnovative local level multistakeholder partnerships for knowledge based Sustainable Development which are linked to the work of United Nations by a global vision, joint quality standards (transparency, accountability, openness, ..) and a joint global documentation system (see next implementation measure)

      15/15/15 Registry of Commitments and Action: “Efforts will be made to link on conceptual level (by framing all sustainable development resources as ‘global commons’) and with a common global documentation system sustainable development efforts of International organizations, national and local public authorities, corporations (in the context of Corporate social responsibility), civil society organizations, global citizens. Participating entities and individuals will be invited to endorse a Charter on Shared Social Responsibility for Global Commons and will be invited to report/register on an annual basis their sustainable development efforts.” (Rio+20 Issues Cluster proposal that has been communicated to Rio+20 negotiations by Major group NGOs: http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/content/documents/782Presentation%20state%20of%20negotiations%2023%20Apr%2012.pdf (slide 15)

      Global Forum on Innovative Resource Mobilization for Education and Science (for channeling in a coherent and coordinated manner local and global resources into human capacity building for sustainable development)



Rio+20 Side Event Announcement (http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/meetings_sidevents.html):

Title:                    Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula – Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want
Date & Time Slot: 14 Jun 2012, 09:30 – 11:00; Venue: T-4 (RioCentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)


Representatives of Civil Society Organizations, Youth organizations, UN officials, member states, scientsts etc. are invited to this side event to develop further concrete implementation measures for 15/15/15 initiative and to explore how synergies can be generated with existing and planned related initiatives. One activity will be to discuss how 15/15/15 initiative can be linked with next round of (Rio+20) Global Youth Music Contest (see http://bit.ly/LhZuWK for more info)

[1]      As communicated to the UN Rio+20 preparatory process 30 October 2011 as IAAI Submission to the Compilation Document for the Rio+20 Zero Draft Outcome document “People Power & Rio+20 Mobilizing Civil Society for Sustainable Development and Strong United Nations” http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/content/documents/105IAAI_Input_CompilationdocumentRio20vers3_Oct30.pdf

[2]      submitted as recommendation to Rio+20 Dialogues https://www.riodialogues.org/node/232704