IAAI @ ACUNS Vienna Conference 2013

acuns am13 announcementpluspartners

acuns am13 announcementpluspartners

IAAI is working very closely with ACUNS Liaison office in Vienna (head: Michael Platzer) since joint organization of ACUNS summer workshop in Ljubljana (Slovenia) summer 2008 http://acuns.org/2008-summer-workshop/).

Therefore IAAI has partnered with ACUNS again this year with regard to organization of ACUNS Vienna UN Conference 2013 http://acuns.org/2013-vienna-un-conference/ which is one of the highlights of ACUNS Vienna’s work.

Another highlight of ACUNS Vienna is the Central European Regional Academy on the United Nations  http://acuns.org/raun/ (Note: there is a Call for Applications for next round open right now http://acuns.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/RAUN_2013-2014-information-call-for-application.doc


IAAI has contributed to ACUNS Vienna 2013 Conference by disseminating the Conference Announcement, mobilizing IAAI/GYMC team members to participate (see photo below), by IAAI member Miroslav Polzer chairing one of the sessions (see photo below) and acting as juror at RAUN seminar paper presentations.

 iaai gymc teammembersandpartnersatacunsvienna2013conf

(photo: IAAI / Global Youth Music Contest team members and partners at ACUNS Vienna UN Conference 2013)


acuns am13 panelknowledgenetworks

(photo: UN Colloquia – Session II: Knowledge Management – Networks for Prosperity (UNIDO)
Chair: Miroslav POLZER, IAAI; Kazuki KITAOKA, Programme Management Officer, UNIDO,  Cormac O’REILLY, Strategic Planning Officer, UNIDO, William Calvo, Minister Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the UNOV, George Pardo CACERES, Austrian Organization for Development Cooperation, Walther Lichem, UNITAR consultant, Member of Working Group on Global Governance and Science

Furthermore IAAI team members have webbroadcasted the first 2 sessions of ACUNS Vienna UN Conference 2013 which have also been recorded and can be watched at IAAI Ustream channel http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/28346414