Invitation: Cluster on United Nations, Innovation and Youth Formation Workshop, 26 February 2013 Vienna International Center



How to Institutionalize, Finance and Monitor

Multistakeholder Action for the Future We Want?

Exploratory meeting at Vienna International Center (VIC) for the formation of

an Issues Cluster on United Nations, Innovation and Youth


Date: 26th of February 2013 , 3 – 5 PM

Venue: Vienna International Centre (VIC),Wagramer Str. 5, Vienna,

Room G 05-41 (UNIS Vienna Seminar Room)


In June 2012 global civil society adopted at Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development – based on an open and transparent process led by IAAI and Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation (please find links to more info below) – the so called 15/15/15 Rio+20 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Commitmentwhich states that “Global civil society on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance.”

 15/15/15 Implementation Strategy Development Workshops in New York (September 2012) and Vienna (October 2012) identified the need for a multistakeholder partnership governance structure and the development of appropriate information and communication technologies as key preconditions for 15/15/15 Voluntary Commitment implementation.

Thus at the workshop 26th of February 2013 at Vienna International Center we will discuss how Civil Society, Business, national, regional and local public authorities and UN agencies can join forces for a new Intergenerational Multistakeholder “Resource Mobilization Partnership” and “Knowledge & Innovation Partnership” structure – the proposed GloCha Cluster on United Nations, Innovation and Youth – for the implementation of ‘15/15/15 Rio+20 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Commitment’ in the context of Rio+20 Outcome implementation, Sustainable Energy for All Office Vienna, Strengthening of ECOSOC, Strengthening of UNEP  and post 2015 development agenda.

vic glochaclusterformationmeetinggroupphotofeb2013

glochaclustermeetingvic youtubeplaylist

Link to the Videos of the Meeting:

Link to more information:

Registration: or email to office (at)

P.S.:    If you can’t join us in person, you are welcome to join us virtually by following the conversation on—151515—gymc
