IAAI Partner of Europe for Africa & Africa for the World conference in Ljubljana/Slovenia


“Europe for Africa & Africa for the World”

IAAI has been partner of a 2 days conference on EU-Africa relations in Ljubljana, 7 & 8 May 2013


IAAI has been partner of the 14th Bled Forum on Europe conference “Europe for Africa & Africa for the World” organized by Center for eGovernance Development in SEE www.cegd.eu (Note: the main organizer of the event, director of CeGD, Mr. Blaž Golob is also vice chair of IAAI governing board) International Center for the Promotion of Enterprises www.icpe.si, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of teh Republic of SloveniaAfriški Forum Slovenije and other partners.

IAAI team members Jean Paul brice Affana and Miroslav Polzer have contributed to conference preparatory activities and presented a paper on “Youth and Innovation for Repositioning of Africa in the World” in the session “Africa’s Contribution to the World” in the afternoon of 7 May (see pdf of the presentation attached).


One of the highlights of the conference has been the presentation of Liz Rasekoala, director of African Caribbean Network of Science and Technology and very active member of IAAI led GloCha Cluster on Innovation and Youth in Support of the United Nations (see photo below).


For more information see: http://www.icpe.si/forum-on-europe-for-africa-2nd-africa-day

Link to Video-invitation: