GloCha Conference 2014 “Sustainable Development, Innovation and Youth” 5 & 6 June 2014, Klagenfurt/Austria



GloCha Conference 2014[1]


Sustainable Development, Innovation and Youth

Building the Knowledge Base and Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure
for Youth Led Civic Engagement in Local and Global Sustainable Development Action


 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria – Hotel Seepark
5 & 6 June 2014



  • International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee



  • Needs and potentials of a growing global youth population in the context of global challenges and global opportunities.
  • New thinking regarding the contributions every human being can make to efforts of local and global communities towards sustainable development.
  • Innovative Concepts and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools for youth led civic engagement in sustainable development action with special consideration of United Nations programs and goals.

Aims of the Conference:

        Building the global knowledge base and highlighting global public sector innovation needs and ICT infrastructure needs for engagement of civil society in general and youth in particular in sustainable development action in United Nations (post2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, Climate Change, etc.) context
        Presenting Concepts and Campaigns for regional cooperation in Alps-Adria Region / Central and Southeast Europe (pilot phase) on large scale public awareness raising and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Development Goals Implementation (Global Challenges World Cup Global Youth Music Contest), education innovation / knowledge collaboration and (Social) Entrepreneurship capacity building.
        Presenting Klagenfurt/Lake Wörthersee and Alps-Adria region as a potential global philanthropy hot spot based on Local Partnerships for a Global Partnership for post2015 Sustainable development that facilitate combination of micro and macro level philanthropy & civic engagement for global challenges action in a Global Challenges Action Network based on global citizens’ and local communities’ “Global Challenges Giving Pledges” (channeling knowledge, workforce, money of civil society into local and global SD efforts, see IAAI UN OWG 6 Side Event for more info)
        Presenting “Global Hub on Youth, ICT and Innovation for Sustainable Development (YouthICT4SD Hub), Klagenfurt” as potential key Research and Technology Development global infrastructure element for youth engagement and youth entrepreneurship related to global challenges and
–     Presenting Global Challenges Youth and ICT Centers network (and related IAAI’s pilot activities in West Africa; see IAAI Accra Workshop for more info) as easily accessible local level entry points and enabling innovation ecosystem for youth engagement in Global Challenges Action interacting with and supported by YouthICT4SD Hub Klagenfurt.


 Thematic Areas:

Sustainable Development and Innovation
Public Sector Innovation & Multistakeholder Action
Youth Civic Engagement, Social Entrepreneurship and
Social Impact Investing

Education Innovations and Competitions

Information and Communication Technologies


Draft Agenda: (Detailed Draft Agenda as of 31 May can be found here)


5th June 2014 – World Environment Day Hotel Seepark, Klagenfurt/Austria

14.00h      Opening Session – Welcome Addresses

                (Klagenfurt/Carinthia/Central Europe – A good location for a Global Hub (Competence Center) on Youth, ICT and Innovation for Sustainable Development!?)

15.00        Session I – Sustainable Development, Multistakeholder Action and Innovation

16.30        Coffee break
17.00        Session II – Youth Engagement in Sustainable Development, Social Entrepreneurship and Social Impact Investment

19.00        Social Event and Signing of MoUs/LoI regarding YouthICT4SD Hub Klagenfurt followed by Reception

6th June 2014 – Hotel Seepark, Klagenfurt/Austria


  9.00        Session 3 – Education Innovation and Knowledge Management

10.15        Session 4 – Information and Communication Technologies
11.30        Coffee break
12.00        Session 5 – Music and Sport for Sustainable Development and Peace Made in Klagenfurt

13.30        Closing Session

 (Feed-back Round, Awarding of Certificates to CEI-WS participants and Conclusions of the Conference)



Accompanying Activities/Context:

GloCha Conference 2014 will be preceded by a Workshop “Youth, Music, Knowledge and Action for a Sustainable World” (Workshop Aim: Engaging and Empowering Youth and Local Communities in Central and Southeast Europe for sustainable development Action through Regional Networking and Project Development) organized by IAAI and supported by Central European Initiative– Workshop participants will present results of their team work (Education Innovation and Knowledge Management, Music and Sport for Development and Entrepreneurship) at GloCha conference.

IAAI and local and global partners plan to establish a “Global Hub for Youth, ICT and Innovation related to Sustainable Development, Klagenfurt” to be presented at GloCha conference 2014.     

The Hub’s draft Mission Statement:

Harnessing the creativity, skills, passion and entrepreneurship of global youth for global common well-being through research, technology development, knowledge management and capacity building with a particular focus on Information and Communication Technology

IAAI General Assembly – 5 June 8.00 – 9.00 AM




Webbroadcasting of the Conference will be provided via Ustream


global youth leaders, scientists, civil society, United Nations, philanthropy and social entrepreneurship leaders, ICT experts

KlagenfurtGlobalYouthplussocialgoodlogoLowresGloCha Conference Klagenfurt 2014 is a +socialgood event

+SocialGood platform unites a global community of innovators around a shared vision:
The power of technology and new media to make the world a better place:


[1] GloCha (Global Challenges) stands for a vision of shared global social responsibility of all global citizens and promotion of a culture of civic engagement towards global (= United Nations) goals developed by International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) The first 3 GloCha conferences have been initiated and organized by IAAI secretary general Miroslav Polzer (with partner organizations such as Academic Council on the United Nations System in the context of Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana: 1st GloCha Conference: “Global Philanthropists – Partners for a Knowledge Based Response to Climate Change“, Portorož/Slovenia, 1-3 June 2008; 2nd : “Teaching Climate Change and the United Nations System”, May 2010 in Belgrade; 3rd: “Knowledge, Youth and Global Commons – Orienting Knowledge Systems and Inter-Generational Relations towards Sustainable Development and Rio+20”, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Austria, 15 & 16 September 2011