GloCha post2015 Workshop @ ACUNS Vienna UN Conference

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IAAI – ACUNS Vienna Workshop

Innovative Resource Mobilization
for Post -2015 Multi-Stakeholder Action and Youth Engagement

Held as pre-Conference event to ACUNS Vienna UN Conference 2015

 Date: 13 January 2015, 9.30-12.30 AM

Venue: Vienna International Center, Conference Room C5, Wagramer Strasse 5, Vienna, Austria


in cooperation with

– WorldWeWant2015 Program and Strategy Group


The year 2015 and the ongoing laudably participatory post2015 Sustainable Development Agenda (including Climate Change) negotiations offer a unique opportunity to modernize United Nations system and to make humanity’s global challenges response mechanisms more effective by utilizing available resources (knowledge, funding, workforce, social energy) of all relevant public and private actors.

As pointed out by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his recent post2015 synthesis report, the new post2015 agenda is going to bring about a paradigm shift towards universality of goals and targets and multistakeholder responsibilities and accountabilities for their implementation.

At the workshop participants will explore – based on concepts, ICT tools and campaigns developed in the framework of Global Challenges (GloCha) Action network (see for more details) – how the post2015 Development Agenda Means of Implementation design can facilitate resource mobilization by and for youth in order to enable enhanced youth led action on global challenges at local, national, regional and global levels.
An important parameter of the event is the fact that Austria is currently holding ECOSOC & HLPF presidency and that within this presidency the declared priorities are Civil Society participation and youth empowerment.
Another point of reference for the workshop is the UN DPI NGO Conference 2014 Outcome Document calling for a UN PGA Thematic Debate on “Multistakeholder Action & Innovative Resource Mobilization”.

The Outcomes of the workshop (including recommendations for ToRs of a potential UN PGA Thematic Debate on Innovative Resource Mobilization for Youth Focused Multistakeholder Action) will be communicated to the official post2015 intergovernmental negotiations in New York by means of a Side Event to the January 19-21 negotiations.


09.30 Welcome and Tour de Table

10.00 Presentation of GloCha System (including 15/15/15 UN Civil Society resource Mobilization Partnership, Global Challenges Foundation Carinthia, 2015 Global Youth Music Contest (on Climate Change) and cooperation with WorldWeWant2015 plattform) and Partners
10.30 Discussion
11.00 Coffee break
11.45 Discussion of Entry Points for Innovative Resource Mobilization and Youth Focused Multistakeholder Action in post2015 Means of Implementation design
12.15 Formulation of Recommendation in the format of a Vienna CSO Response to UN SG’s post2015 Synthesis Report
12.30 End of Formal Part of the Workshop

  GloCha (Global Challenges) Action network (in short “GloCha System”) is a trans-institutional, United Nations system focused, knowledge based, multilevel sustainable development governance innovation that puts resources of global citizens and local communities in the center of post2015 agenda means of implementation design. (see more details)


 Contact and Registration:

Dr. Miroslav Polzer, CEO of IAAI,; Tel.: +43 664 4203648,