Global Challenges Youth Music Contest events and activities at COP21

GYMC COP21show 7DecUNESCOpavilion poster

Global Youth Music Contest events and activities at COP21

The 2015 Global Challenges Youth Music Contest (#GYMC15) is a COP21 youth engagement initiative organized by
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches (IAAI) (an UNFCCC accredited Civil Society Organization based in Klagenfurt/Austria) in cooperation with UNESCO Management of Social Transformation (MOST) programme, UNFCCC Climate Secretariat and the WorldWeWant2015 online consultation platform.

At COP21 in December 2015 in Paris, GYMC15 partners plan a series of events and activities with the GYMC15 winners:

–      – press conference “Youth Empowerment for Climate Action” organized by UNFCCC Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Programme 3rd December 2015 (= COP21 Young and Future Generations Day) 11.00 AM, Press Conference Room 2, Hall 5

        – the official COP21 side event “Youth Empowerment for Climate Action – The Global Challenges (GloCha) Action Network and partners” 3rd of December, 16.45-18.15, Observer Room 2,  find details below

        – GYMC15 edutainment show “Music, Youth and Climate Change” at UNESCO COP21 pavilion in Le Bourget 7th of December 2.15 – 3.15 PM, in which the GYMC15 winners will present their songs and messages on youth and climate change together with celebrities to a global audience in an entertaining format.

–      – exhibit booth with Association Actions Vitales Pour Le Developpement Durable (AVD)’showcasing youth voices from the Commonwealth advocating for the creation of a Global Partnership on Climate Change as well as social and technological innovations of Global Challenges Action Network (GloCha) in support of youth focused climate action.

– participation in World Youth Forum 2015 NetEase Paris, 5 December, 15.00-18.00, Sciences Po (see attachment below for details)

A detailed agenda and additional information will be provided in due time.

GYMC COP21show 7DecUNESCOpavilion poster

27 rue Saint Guillaume