Digital Innovation Community launched at COP25



IAAI has been one of the leading founding memebrs of the climate action digital innovation community (DICO) in the context of the UNFCCC process. DICO has been founded at the UN Climate Change Conference COP25 in December 2019 in Madrid to facilitate the networking, capacity building and cooperation within the UN climate action governance processes and programs (UNFCCC, Agenda2030, et al.). Digital innovation here is understood in its broadest terms, including general infromation and communication technology like mobile communication technology and earth observation, but especially also so called 4th industrial revolution/ emerging technologies like blockchain/DLT, Artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT). DICO evolved from the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) with CCC members being starting points and important building blocks of DICO.

DICO’s initial flagship initiative are (1) I2D2 – Innovation Infrastructure for People and Planet powered by Data and Digital Technology and (2) COP26 Digital Innovation pavilion.

Focal points: Tom Baumann (CCC) & MIroslav Polzer (IAAI GloCha)

Link to the video of the DICO launch at the COP25 UN Climate conference: