Youth & Digital Innovation #UN75 event at UN HQ NY February 2020



IAAI organized on 17th February 2020 an event at UN headquarters New York on the role of digital innovation for youth engagement in Agenda2030 implementation and climate action as a sidie event to the UN Commission on Social Development (

At the very well attended event, which has been also webbroadcasted, we have had a great keynote presentation of Vienna Looi from Malaysia, a video message of Fridays for Future New York climate activist Xiye Bastida, who is joining our IAAI GloCha team at the UN HQ NY as annual UN Grounds Pass holder in the context of the youth delegate program of UN Department for Global Communication. IAAI team members Ali Mustafa, Eileen Doohan and Miroslav Polzer presented GloCha initiatives like the UNFCCC digital innovation community, D2I2, and Generation Next network and our cooperation partner and supporter Francisco Benedito from Climate Trade presented his plans to create systemic resource mobilization support for youth climate action with carbon credit offset mechanisms. UN system has been represented by Hawa Diallo, head of the civil society unit at UN DGC and Yu Ping Chan from the Office of the UN UNder Secretary General for the UN75 anniversary celebrations and digital cooperation high level panel follow-up

Video on demand: