International conference: Imagining the Worst: Foresight, Ethics, and Extreme Climate Scenarios March 1-3, 2011 Bled/SloveniaI

Scope and Objectives of the Conference:
The conference addresses the nexus of futures studies and ethics studies in the context of climate change with a strong focus on implications of worst case scenarios on governance processes on national, regional (especially Southeast Europe) and global level (e.g. UNFCCC negotiations and preparations for UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio 2012).
The conference aims to:
– Reflect on the changing stakes of ethical theory (e.g. individual and collective “responsibility” in the context of global challenges and under circumstances of radical uncertainty)
– Promote ethically aware governance processes (e.g. in the context of complex adaptive societal systems, rethinking “progress”, .. )
– Advance futures studies and
– Promote the cross-sectoral dialogue of science and policy making experts (e.g. on issues like social innovation and collaborative knowledge systems, ..)
(further information about the rationale of the conference can be found in the attached Background paper)
Webbroadcasting, Posting of Videostatements before and after the conference and Opportunities for Participation in Online Discussion
The organizers aim at broad geographical coverage of presenters and audience of the conference. In order to achieve this goal while at the same time keeping the carbon footprint and costs of the event low, the conference will be webbroadcasted and there will be opportunities for active participation of virtual participants via contributions to online discussion or/and posting of video-statements on the subjects of the conference on your preferred online video platform (like e.g. youtube, vimeo, etc.) which will be linked to the conference homepage and included in the discussions and conclusions of the conference.
-ASO Ljubljana
For further details (Conference Agenda, Video presentations…) visit