Session Main Recommendations – NGO Workshop “Rio+20 -A Window of Opportunity for a Multi-Stakeholder Partnership on Global Commons Growth”@ UN DPI NGO Conference” Bonn/Germany, 5. September 2011

NGO Workshop 9 Session Main Recommendations – NGO Workshop “Rio+20 –A Window of Opportunity for a Multi-Stakeholder Partnership on Global Commons Growth”@ UN DPI NGO Conference” Bonn/Germany, 5. September 2011:
- Global citizens do not only have rights but also responsibility to work towards sustainable global commons (all the resources that present and future generations need for sustainable development) .Therefore the speakers came up with the following recommendations:
- Volunteering and civic engagement are key to build global commons and they should inform discussions on the global sustainable development agenda including Rio +20, the MDG’s and beyond. Volunteerism and civic engagement should take centre stage inspiring the global development dialogue.
- Sustainable efforts of different stakeholders should be combined in a shared vision of a multi stakeholder partnership for global commons growth and the different contributions to global commons growth like e.g: education in families (micro-educational level), schools, higher education and informal learning, youth activism, arts, media and individuals and innovative ways of self-organisation and collective action should be all documented and promoted by appropriate global information systems.
- Sustainability, good governance and responsible citizenship are not possible without focusing on gender equity and women’s empowerment.
- Students and other young people should be actively involved in promoting responsive and responsible citizenship.
- People with different backgrounds and educational levels should all participate more in the thinking about global issues and take more interest in these issues as well as in volunteerism and civic participation.
- Music, being a powerful peace tool, should be used to connect global communities on one platform, to voice and participate in issues of global concern and solutions to global challenges.