Press Release: ‘Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest’ launched in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Austria



September 11 – 16 2011. The city of Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria, welcomed the preparatory workshop and launching ceremony of the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contestin the sunny Maria Loretto Palace with the participation of thirty two (32) youth representatives from around the world.


Global Youth

Call for Music

in support of



The Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest is a global competition for young people organized by the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) with a wide number of partners and youth networks in the context of United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Earth Summit) www.uncsd2012.orgto be held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.

Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest encourages youth to express their hopes, concerns and thoughts on the future of our earth through the resonance of music as a powerful expression that incites commitment towards sustainable development. The contest will collect musical messages from global youth exploring solutions for sustainable development. The winners will win a trip to Rio de Janeiro to attend the Rio+20 Earth Summit in June 2012 and make the voices of global youth heard through their music.

Deadline for online submission of music videos is 15. February 2012

Further information:


International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) is a UN DPI associated NGO and member of UN Academic Impact initiative based in Austria (ZVR-Nr.: 918790591)with members (scientists, future studies experts, youth) from more than 20 countries from around the world.


More detailed information



At the preparatory workshop in Klagenfurt participants from Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Macedonia, India, Cameroon, Qatar, Holland, Croatia, Austria, South Africa, Vanuatu, Serbia, United States, Russia, Rwanda, China, Montenegro, United Kingdom, Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina came together for an intensive week to develop the materials and strategy of implementation of the global youth contest around the world with their organizations and networks. They were supported by a team of six (6) international facilitators with among them Dr. Miroslav Polzer, the Secretary-general of the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) the association the initiates the activities.


Very valuable insights into the work of United Nations in global sustainable development governance and advice on how youth can have a voice in Rio+20 conference has been provided to workshop participants by Mr. Beppe Lovoi of UNCSD secretariat




Mr. Beppe Lovoi (UNCSD secretariat, NY) advising youth to have a voice at Rio+20 conference


As part of the social activities and opportunity to learn from the region hosting the workshop, all participants had a chance to meet and connect with local youth. On the 14 September they all visited during a bus trip the cities of Trieste in Italy and Ljubljana in Slovenia where the met with Mr. Gašper Hrastelj from the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO. He promised to the youth to link-up their global contest with UNESCO, mostly the Decade for Education for Sustainable Development. Returned in Klagenfurt in the evening the same day the participants attended in the morning of 15 September the General Assembly of IAAI. Most of them became new members with some others welcome as new members of the Board and the Coordination Team when they manifested their interest in the assembly.



After IAAI General Assembly of 15 September 2011 majority of IAAI board members are youth representatives


The international conference ‘’Knowledge, Youth and Global Commons – Orienting Knowledge Systems and Inter-Generational Relations towards Sustainable Development and Rio+20‘’ also hosted in Maria Loretto Palace and organized by the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (, the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana ( and the Academic Council on the United Nations System – Vienna Liaison office ( has included a space for the international participants at the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest preparatory workshop who were all invited as special guests and VIPs. They all had a moment to introduce each other, share their hopes for the future and three of them were even included in the programme as speakers to deliver a presentation and answers questions from the audience.


In the evening the same day took place the launch of the IAAI Global Challenges (GloCha) Center which will be based in Klagenfurt. Many special guests who envisage cooperation as key partners with the GloCha Center were present. As part of them Mrs Anneliese Stoklaska, the representative of the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, Mr. Blaž Golob, the Director of the Center for eGovernance Development in South Eastern Europe, Mr. Michael Platzer, the Director of the Academic Council on the United Nations System – Vienna Liaison office andMr. Beppe Lovoi from the United Nations Conference for Sustainable Development Secretariat in New York.




Then followed the launching ceremony of the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest, an occasion to officially launch the ‘’Call for Music’’. One of the best moments of the launch was the reception from the hands of young people by Mr. Beppe Lovoi from the UNCSD Secretariat of a ‘’Group Statement’’ written and signed by all participants at the workshop where they expressed their hopes and expectations towards sustainable development and pledged to support and energize the Rio+20 conference and work of UN system in general. The statement has been addressed through Mr. Lovoi to the United Nations Secretary-general H.E Ban Ki-Moon and to the Secretary-general of the Rio+20 summit at the UNSCD Secretariat H.E Mr. Sha Zukang. Mr. Lovoi has promised to deliver the statement to the concerned and encouraged IAAI and all youth to develop other specific input to Rio+20.


This historical moment was follow by the performance of Carinthian Slovene youth choir “DANICA” from whose children together with all the 32 international youth from all regions sang ‘’We Are the World’’ as a concrete example that music has the power to connect people despite their diversity. This was the signal to start to spread the information about the contest on the Internet and through the participants who all became Ambassadors of the contest in their regions, countries, communities. Some of them decided to be Regional and/or National Coordinators to work closely with the Global Coordinator, the Outreach Coordinator and also IAAI for a successful implementation of the innovative project worldwide.


For more information of the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest contact:


Jean Paul Brice Affana

Global Coordinator Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest

Email: jeanpaul@ | Website:


Anam Gill

Outreach Coordinator Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest

Email: anamgill@ | Website:


Miroslav Polzer

Secretary-general of IAAI

Email: polzer@| Website:




Let the music talk, let the rhythm play and let the world know what the youth have to say !
