Side Event on ‘Global Civil Society Mobilization’ of IAAI at Rio+20 Preparatory meeting in New York

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI is organizing
Second Intersessional Meeting, New York, 15 – 16 December 2011 a joint Side Event on “Mobilizing Civil Society for Sustainable Development and Rio+20 & The Special Role of Youth”, Thursday 15 December 1:15-2:45, Conference Room E, North Lawn Building, UN Headquarter, New York
Thematic Focus of the Side Event and Contribution to UNCSD/Rio+20
With the side event ‘Mobilizing Civil Society for Sustainable Development and Rio+20 & The Special Role of Youth’ the organizers want to draw attention of the UNCSD/Rio+20 preparatory process on the need for systemic global governance innovation and a broad multi-stakeholder partnership vision of a renewed UN led sustainable development governance system – shared and nurtured by global civil society and especially global youth. Global Sustainable development governance needs to be linked up more directly with global citizens, and to reach the so called ‘man, woman and child on the street’. Rio+20 and the new Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development have to aim at linking conceptually UN led global sustainable development efforts with individual everyday lifestyle, consumption and resource sharing decisions of 7 billion global citizens. If Rio+20 succeeds in this respect it has the potential to become a landmark event in United Nations Intellectual History (see for more info).
Chantal line Carpentier, Major Groups Programme Coordinator, UNCSD Secretariat
Innovations in Civil Society Participation in Rio+20 preparatory process
Aron Belinky or/and Iara Pietricovsky, Brazilian Rio+20 Civil Society Facilitating Committee, Sao Paulo/Brazil
Rio+20 and Civil Society in Brazil
Tara DePorte, Founder and Exec Director of The Human Impacts Institute
MobilizeUS! Mobilizing (young) Americans to be active on the Rio+20 process.
Lisinka Ulatowska, World Citizens Action
Campaigning for a Global Commons Focus at Rio+20
Caroline Howe, Consultant, Climate Change & Youth Participation at UNICEF
Involving children in building the future we want
Ivana Savić, UNCSD Major Group for Children and Youth organizing partner, Belgrade/Serbia
Rights of the Child and the Need for Effective Global Governance and Future oriented Sharing of Resources
Jean Paul Brice Affana, Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest coordinator, UNFCCC Youth Focal Point 2011, African Youth Initiative on Climate Change, Yaoundé/Cameroon
Youth as agents of (global) change – The “Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest”
Brian Kaufmann, The Sounding Board, Boston, Coordinator of Rio+20 GYMC in US
Mobilizing, Youth, Local Communities and Entertainment Industries for Rio+20 – Rio+20 GYMC in Boston
Valerie Gamache, Shockra Entertainment Ltd, Brooklyn
Partnering with Music Stars and Celebrities for Rio+20
Miroslav Polzer, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI, Klagenfurt/Austria
The ‘Rio+20 15/15/15 UN Civil Society Partnership formula’- 15 billion €, 15 million volunteers for UN led global/local sustainable development efforts by the year 2015 – IAAI input to Rio+20 Outcome document consultation
For more details regarding the 2nd INtersessional Meeting of Rio+20/UNCSD see and