Informal Strategy Development Workshop “Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20?!”

Informal Strategy Development Workshop
“Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20?!”
Date: Monday 23rd of January 2012 1-3 PM,
Venue: Hardin Room in Church Center
at 777 UN Plaza (44th & 1st Avenue), New York
Co-sponsors of the Meeting:
– IAAI – International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges
– ACUNS – Academic Council on the United Nations System
– The Spiritual Council for Global Concerns Working Group of CSVCG – NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns- NY
Background Info:
“Innovation for Sustainable Development” has been introduced recently by Brazilian government as additional thematic priority of Rio +20, to be dealt with at so called “Thematic days” before the official Rio+20 conference (see foot note on page 2 of ‘Rio+20 Participants info’).
This newly introduced (horizontal) thematic priority “Innovation” (especially with the non-technological aspects of social innovation, governance innovation, values innovations, etc.) opens up new possibilities for creative thinking on how Rio+20 outcomes can be something new and something special, helping UN system and Rio+20 to set a milestone in global systemic change towards effective sustainable development governance.
At International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) we are delighted about these developments and offer some assistance in building the knowledge base for the process of mainstreaming “Innovation” as horizontal thematic priority of Rio+20.
Since Rio+20 preparatory process has demonstrated strong commitment to issues of intergenerational partnership and youth participation already but didn’t make this commitment to youth visible yet as a central aspect of Rio+20 in its list of thematic priorities, we suggest, to extend the new horizontal thematic priority to “Innovation and Youth” (horizontal as it is relevant for all official 7 thematic priorities).
As the topic “Innovation” has not been agreed upon by governments and as time is short, civil society can play a very constructive and positive role here by organizing an informal, open and swift collaborative effort which can enrich and inspire the official Rio+20 preparatory process on these important issues.
Therefore IAAI is calling with above listed partners a first open meeting of those who might be interested to work on structuring the topic “Innovation and Youth” for the Rio+20 preparatory process (and outlining an (informal) “Innovation and Youth 4 Rio+20 Issues Brief”, similar to the ones on the official 7 topics: ).
Who do we expected to attend the meeting (approx. 15-30 people):
– Global Governance experts (e.g. ACUNS members)
– Representatives of UN CSD Major Groups (especially the MG “Children and Youth”)
– Representatives of UN system (e.g. Rio+20 secretariat, UN Office for Partnerships, UN DESA, UN DPI, ..)
– Representatives of Member States’ Permanent Missions
– People with ideas and visions on innovations in the way the world (and especially the UN) organizes responses to global challenges (including spiritual dimensions and value systems/ethics/behavioral change)
– Knowledge Management Experts, experts on systemic innovation of Science, Technology, Education and Innovation Systems in multilevel governance contexts
– Resource mobilization experts (e.g. representatives of foundations focusing on global challenges)
– Media/public relations/communication experts
Tentative Agenda:
– Introduction – Tour de table
– Background info on Brazilian “Innovation for SD” proposal (and “Rio+20 Thematic World Social Forum“ and “Rio+20 Peoples Summit” plans and their systems innovation potentials)
– Report from FAF UN Youth Assembly and from Major Group Children and Youth representatives regarding the discussion with global youth on having “youth” as a thematic priority of Rio+20
– Discussion of “Innovation and Youth” related existing input to the Online Consultation of the Rio+20 Compilation document to the Zero Draft Outcome document, like e.g.
o Contribution of Major Group for Children and Youth (paradigm shifts/innovations in intergenerational relations)
o The STEPS Centre on Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability
o Advisory Group on International Environmental Governance (governance innovations!)
o International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) (social innovation, 15/15/15 global civil society Rio+20 resource mobilization aim innovation, GYMC participation innovation etc.)
o International Council for Science (innovations regarding knowledge base for global governance)
o Global University network for Innovation (knowledge and higher education innovations)
o Earth Charter (value systems and ethics innovations)
– Presentation of input on “Innovation and Youth” contributed to Rio+20 preparatory process via social media channels:
o Rio+20 – The Future we Want
o Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest etc.
– Discussion of ideas for an (informal) “Innovation and Youth 4 Rio+20 Issues Brief”
– Discussion of possibilities to organize a “Innovation and Youth 4 Rio+20” exploratory workshop/conference in the context of Third Intersessional (probably 24th or 25th of March)
Registration: please send an email with your name, institutional affiliation and areas of interest/expertise by January 20 to ‘office (at)’ or register via facebook:
Miroslav Polzer
Secretary General, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI;; skype: miropolzer; twitter: glocha_mp
Tel.: +386 (0) 1 5684168 (office); +43 (0) 664 4203648 (mobile) – Address: Dunajska 104, SI-1000 Ljubljana/Slovenia
Have a voice in United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest Join us on facebook
Side event proposal for Third Intersessional: “Rio+20: A Global Innovation Summit?”
Rio+20 Cross Major Groups Thematic Cluster on Innovation: more info soon on Rio+20 Major Group NGO homepage and
Video clips of Innovation and Youth 4 Rio+20 Meeting:
Opening Panel: Facilitated by IAAIA GloCha Secretary General Miroslav Polzer
Introductions by Workshop Participants
Pt. 3 Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20
Pt. 4 Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20
Pt. 5 Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20
Pt. 6 Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20
Oscar Santillan, Ecuadorian Quechwa Sound Healer