Progress report: Rio+20 GYMC in Ghana and Gambia

Dear colleagues,

I like to once again thank everyone for the great work we are all doing. I must commend Paul from Cameroon for his push and all the National and Regional coordinator as well as IAAI staff and member am confident in everyone ability to make this work.

I have developed an approach for our fund raising activities as well as the production of the video for the youth group in both Gambia and Ghana.

We had a good outcome with an agent who is ready to produce the video for us with their equipment but not with their time, we also recruit volunteers who can edit video and are willing to assist in working on the videos.

We have also come up with a plan to organize a concert, the pop star and celebrities have already been contacted and they are ready to be part of the concert and perform for free. There will be sale of ticket at the concert , we are already getting involve the media to create the awareness on TV’s,  radio, and Newspapers because that is what we needed to get the sales of the ticket out and raise funds for the concert.

I believe this might not work everywhere, but the tips can be useful in making this a worthwhile course because, without funding we will find it difficult to work on this contest, and if we are to win the contest and compete on the global stage a quality video and impactful one is of important.

We have also form a member of jury to help select the best video nationally, this include delegate from the ministry of Environment and musical stars in the country For more fundraising idea please visit,

I have attached the first report of our activities for your perusal.

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.

Warm Wishes,

Maxwell Adeoy Adew
Secretary General Africa Rise International
One young world Ambassador
Project leader ICT AFRICA
National coordinator Rio+20 GYMC Ghana and Gambia.
Skype maxwell.adeoy
Twitter id Pfizo
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