Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation & 15/15/15 UN – Civil Society Partnership Formula: Workshop and Side Event at Rio+20 Third Intersessional Meeting, March 2012 in New York

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Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation & 15/15/15 UN – Civil Society Partnership Formula: Workshop and Side Event at Rio+20 Third Intersessional Meeting, March 2012 in New York

IAAI and several partner organizations are organizing a Workshop and a Side Event related to Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation & 15/15/15 UN – Civil Society Partnership Formula in the context of Rio+20 Third Intersessional Meeting March 2012 in New York.

A Workshop of Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation will be held

Monday 19th of March 2012, 3-5 PM


Austrian Mission to the United Nations
600 Third Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10016

Registration: please send an email informing about your participation to by Friday 16 March 5 PM EST.

The workshop will bring together science, technology, innovation and education experts (academics and practitioners), governance experts, civil society representatives, business sector, UN staff, Member states representatives etc. who will discuss how the innovation component of Rio+20 in terms of (systemic) governance innovation, social innovation, resource mobilization innovation, etc. can be strengthened and which role Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation can play.

One activity of the cluster for structuring the topic Innovation for the Rio+20 preparatory process – to be discussed at the workshop – will be an “Innovation 4 Rio+20 Issues Brief”, comparable to the ones on the official Rio+20 topics: ) (see first draft below).

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An important topic of the workshop will be the 15/15/15 UN – Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula (Global civil society committing at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and getting new participation possibilities in UN system in return) which has been submitted by Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation to the Zero Draft of Rio+20 Outcome document: (Innovation4Rio cluster comments/amendments highlighted in red).

As the comments of Rio+20 Innovation Cluster have been included in the official Major Groups comments document for Rio+20 Outcome Document (Zero Draft) as comments on behalf of ‘Major Group NGO’:, the question now is how to make sure that key elements of the suggested amendments will be considered in next phases of official negotiation process in order to have a systemic innovation effect in Rio+20.

A first opportunity in this direction will be the side event to Third Rio+20 Intersessional on “Rio+20: A Global Innovation Summit?”:

Monday 19th of March 2012, 6.15 – 7.45 PM

Conference Room B, UN HQ, NLB

The Innovation4Rio side event has a joint 1 ½ hours time slot with Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group) and their side event „The Role of Technology in the ‘Green Economy’ and the need for Technology Assessment”, details regarding time management and agenda will provided in due time on IAAI homepage

The “Rio+20: A Global Innovation Summit?” side event is being organized by Innovation Issues Cluster partner organizations:

         Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)

         International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)

         NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns

         Alas de Rio

         Earth Charter Youth Network

         Institute of International Social Development (IISD),

         Spiritual United Nations


Find more information about the Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation on IAAI homepage


On IAAI homepage there can be found also a video documentation of the Informal Strategy Development Workshop “Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20?!” which was held 23rd of January at UN Church center in NY.


An important source of inspiration for the cluster is the “Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest” which is an innovative initiative aiming to give young people from around the world a voice in Rio+20. The musical messages can be watched at . It is planned that next round of the Global Youth Music Contest will be announced at Rio+20 conference and that it will focus on social innovation and the role of youth in achieving the 15/15/15 Un Civil Society partnership.

Please be informed that IAAI and partners are organizing a “Rio+20 Arts and Media Partnership Workshop” 23 March 2012, 9.30-12.30 AM, UN Church center, UN Plaza 777, 2nd floor where the contribution of youth, arts, media and celebrities to Innovation4Rio+20 will be explored. (visit for more info)