Informal Workshop “Building The Resource Base for Civil Society Participation in post Rio+20 UN System” 25 Sept 2012, NY


Informal Workshop

Building The Resource Base for Civil Society Participation

in post Rio+20 UN system


Date:        Tuesday, 25 September 2012 16.15-17.45 EDT (00 UTC/GMT)

Venue:     Baha’i International Community – UN Office, 866 UN Plaza, Suite 120, New York

At the workshop civil society representatives (Rio+20 Major Group NGOs Organizing partners, IAAI, youth networks, etc.) will discuss in an informal setting the issue of improving the funding of civil society (Major groups) participation in the UN system with a special focus on implementation of Rio+20 outcomes, designing SDGs and post 2015/ post-MDG regime.

Participation of UN officials, Member States representatives, foundation/philanthropy and private sector experts welcome.

The meeting will be webbroadcasted via—151515—gymc


Draft annotated Agenda

  1. I.presentation of relevant text passages on “Civil Society”/”Participation” and “Funding”/”Financing” from Rio+20 Outcome document “The Future We Want”

(Note 1: there are numerous formulations there to build upon!; see Annex of this document)

(Note 2: as UN General Assembly is supposed to work on implementation of Rio+20 Outcomes, it is surprising and unfortunate that neither “civil society” nor “participation” are mentioned in the Draft Agenda of 67 UN General Assemblywhich is starting these days)!

  1. II.Presentations on recent developments:

        Statement on Civil Society Participation in UN Processes related to Post 2015 (civil society representatives convened by CIVICUS, GCAP and Beyond 2015, see Annex III)

        UN NGLS: Report on Civil Society Dialogue with Members of the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post 2015 Development Agenda and the United Nations: New York 24th September 2012

        IAAI: 15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Commitment

        Dialogue between the President of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly and civil society 10 September 2012 (e.g. UN GA – “Friends of Civil Society” idea/initiative)


III.Outlining Joint activities:


1.Intra CSO (Civil Society Organizations)/MG (Major Groups) coordination and alliance building

        Joint Problem definition

        MG Resource Mobilization Task Force (optional)

        CSO Resource Mobilization Alliance outline (to do the “homework” in order to be ready to approach philanthropic sources (e.g. The Giving Pledge or ODA sources) in a bold, participatory and effective manner. (To be linked with efforts of above quoted Statement on Civil Society Participation in UN Processes related to Post 2015 and its request “6. A fully funded Civil Society platform must be in place by the end of 2012 at the latest and be supported by a relevant UN entity, for example a well resourced and strengthened UN Non- Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS), and must be directly linked to the UN General Assembly President’s office.)”)


2.Awareness Raising and Creation of Interfaces with UN System

        Outlining a potential Side event to UN GA 2nd Committee on systemic challenges of Funding of Civil Society participation in UN system

        Outlining a potential UN GA High Level Meeting on The Future of Civil Society participation in UN system, (spring 2013)

        UN GA Resolution (public awareness for problem, facilitating sharing of resources (tax, legal for cross border giving, matching funds and other content coordinated with other CSO efforts relating to post2015 etc.)

        Getting into postRio+20 Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for SD Financing Strategy

        Promoting the Idea of UN GA Group of Friends of Civil Society

3.Approaching Philanthropists/Foundations and Organization of a Global Fundraising Campaign (context: 15/15/15)

        How could a global CSO coordination and resource sharing mechanism look like

        What is the “homework” a potential CSO Alliance has to do prior to approaching potential funders (like e.g. The Giving Pledge signatories)

        Finding a patron for resource mobilization related to youth participation in UN activities (pilot for other MG specific programs and projects)

        IAAI 15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Commitment

        Outlining a potential global fundraising campaign (e.g. with UN Foundation & Aid Matrix)


Registration: To register for the event please send an email to


Miroslav Polzer
Secretary General, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI; Tel.: +43 (0) 664 4203648 (mob/Austria) & +1 646 831 1085 (mob/US);; Neuer Platz 10/I, At 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Austria