Reminder “UNAoC PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival Call for Entries 2013” on World Day for Diversity and development

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On the occasion of World Day for Diversity and Development (21 May) IAAI – as one of the partners of UNAoC’s plural+ youth video festival – kindly invites young people (up to 25 years old) to submit videos focusing on PLURAL+ themes: migration, diversity and social inclusion. 

IAAI signed in March 2013 a Memorandum of Understanding with United Nations Alliance of Civilizations regarding continuation of partnership on PLURAL+Video Festival in 2013.

PLURAL + is a youth-produced video festival which encourages young people to explore migration, diversity and social inclusion issues, and to share their creative vision with the world.

UNAoC and IAAI agreed that IAAI will promote the PLURAL+ 2013 Call for entries and select 1 video which focuses on music as a means of expression and intercultural dialogue and award it with a meeting with a entertainment industries celebrity in the context of ‘Global Youth Music Contest’. This award will be named the “PLURAL + 2013 IAAI/GLOCHA Award”.

(a documentation of the “PLURAL+ 2012 IAAI/GLOCHA Award” handing over ceremony can be found here:  

To further support the general purpose and outreach of PLURAL+, IAAI will offer UNAoC and plural+ co-sponsorship of planned Workshop on „Global Youth Engagement and Empowerment through Music and Media“ which is going to take place 15-20 September 2013 in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (Austria).

You are kindly invited to get involved also in the UNAoC campaign “Do One Thing for Diversity and Inclusion”:


More info on 21 May as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development:


Further to the adoption of UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in November 2001, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 21 May as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (Resolution 57/249).

The Day provides us with an opportunity to deepen understanding of the values of Cultural Diversity and to learn to “live together” better.