IAAI Plans for Next Round of Global Youth Music Contest

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Music, Youth and Action for a Sustainable World:

IAAI/GloCha preparing next round of „Global Youth Music Contest” – Possibilities for Partnerships

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International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) www.glocha.info – a UN accredited not-for-profit Civil Society organization based in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (Austria) presents herewith its “Global Youth Music Contest 2013/14” plans and offers a set of strategic partnership opportunities to global youth leaders, International Organizations, national and local public authorities, schools, Media, private sector and foundations.

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  1. IAAI Mission and GloCha Vision
  2. The ‘Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest’ Journey: Music for a Sustainable World
  3. What’s New? Entering Next Level of Global Youth Engagement with GYMC 2013/14
  4. GYMC 2013/14 Preparatory Workshop in Klagenfurt (Austria) 15-20 September 2013
  5. Partnership Opportunities – Call for Expressions of Interest
    1. Global Youth Leaders: Opportunities as National and Thematic Coordinators
    2. International Organizations: Global Sponsors and Presenters of Thematic AwardsInternational Organizations: Global Sponsors and Presenters of Thematic Awards
    3. National Public Authorities: Put Your Country and Your Youth on the GYMC MapNational Public Authorities: Put Your Country and Your Youth on the GYMC Map
    4. Media – Partner with GYMC as National GYMC Presenter or as Presenter of Thematic and Regional AwardsMedia – Partner with GYMC as National GYMC Presenter or as Presenter of Thematic and Regional Awards
    5. Foundations – Generate Local and Global Societal Added Value as GYMC Strategic Global Partner or Presenter of National, Thematic and Regional AwardsFoundations – Generate Local and Global Societal Added Value as GYMC Strategic Global Partner or Presenter of National, Thematic and Regional Awards
    6. Schools and Local Communities/Cities: Free Licensing for Independently organized GYMC activities – GYMCedu and GYMCloc Schools and Local Communities/Cities: Free Licensing for Independently organized GYMC activities – GYMCedu and GYMCloc
  6. Timeline
  7. Social Media Reach Info for Prospective Cooperation Partners
  8. Links to Further Information


  1. IAAI Mission and GloCha Vision

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) www.glocha.info is a UN accredited not-for-profit Civil Society organization based in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (Austria).

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IAAI members at IAAI General Assembly September 15 2011 in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Austria

IAAI members – scientists, futures studies experts, social innovation experts and global youth leaders, from all around the world – are working on new concepts, tools and campaigns for engaging global citizens – and especially young people – in processes and structures related to UN administered goals and programs on sustainable local and global development.


GloCha” (an IAAI word creation derived from Global Challenges) stands for a vision of a multistakeholder partnership (designed as a Global Action Network) of responsive global citizens united in future oriented cooperative and innovative approaches to global challenges, building with public and private partners The Future We Want based on the conviction that:

“Everybody Can and Shall Contribute to Sustainable Development on Local & Global Level”

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A very important milestone for IAAI/GloCha has been the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) www.uncsd2012.org where IAAI played a leadership role in the fields of “Innovation” and “Youth Participation” by leading the “Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation”, organizing “Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest” and adopting the Adopting the so called “15/15/15 UN – Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Committment”. (For more information on IAAI/GloCha concepts see https://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/208-glochaclusterformationmeetingvicfeb2013)

II. The ‘Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest’ Journey: Music for a Sustainable World

At IAAI we are convinced that music plays a very important role in the lives of young people and that music holds great potentials for individual personal development as well as for the promotion of pro-social behavior and intercultural dialogue (a precondition for global community building).

Through “Global Youth Music Contest” IAAI is harnessing this educational and transformational power of music by empowering young people to assume the leadership in communicating the – sometimes very complex and abstract – concepts and values of United Nations to the fellow global citizens – the so called ordinary people on the streets, thus having the potential of making these global challenges and global goals relevant for everyday decisions on consumption, lifestyle, civic engagement, etc of millions of people in a variety of cultural and geographic settings.


An important dimension of GYMC is that it is highlighting the individual and local/regional added value (fun, edutainment, societal recognition and income generation potentials (focus of future GYMC rounds) etc.) of local level sustainable development efforts that are linked with UN programs and goals.

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The Winners of Rio+20 GYMC (Coro Infantil de Santo Amaro de Oeiras/Portugal) performing in Rio

Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest – the first large scale implementation of the “Global Youth Music Contest” (see the Photo Documentation “The Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest Journey Towards The Future We Want” for details: https://www.glocha.info/attachments/article/201/Rioplus20GYMCjourney_photococumentary13August2012_.pdf) – has been implemented by IAAI in cooperation with a global network of partner organizations and enthusiastic individual volunteers who provided the global multilingual and community-based infrastructure for implementation – received 313 music videos from 40 countries from all parts of the world which have been voted on online by more than 250.000 internet users.

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Locations of Rio+20 GYMC submissions

Thus Rio+20 GYMC GYMC has demonstrated the viability of the concept and its scaling potentials which shall be developed and institutionalized further through “Global Youth Music Contest 2013/14”.

III. What’s New? Entering Next Level of Global Youth Engagement with GYMC 2013/14

  1. Action oriented: Music shall focus on communicating and promoting youth led sustainable development action with a view to UN goals and programs (special ICT tools/apps for localization (with crowdmapping tools, GeoWiki, etc.), documentation and assessment of such action will be developed by IAAI and partners in the context of above presented GloCha vision of creating a Global Action Network)
  2. Thematic and Regional Awards in cooperation with Partner Organizations and Programs; tentative list (Rationale for a larger number of awards: more awards offer more avenues for communicating UN values and programs and offer more opportunities to young people to relate global challenges to their local realities and to win something in a certain category: More Awards -> More happy people! 🙂 ) (will be elaborated further and confirmed at GYMC preparatory workshop, see below):
       “I’m a City Changer” GYMC Award (in the context of World Urban Campaign of UN Habitat)
       “Sustainable Energy for All” GYMC Award
       Intercultural Dialogue for Global Citizenship GYMC Award (envisaged partner UNAoC)
       “Volunteer Action Counts” GYMC Award (in coop with UN Volunteers)
       “Connect4Climate” GYMC Award
       MyWorld GYMC Award (post2015 development agenda)
       Earth Charter GYMC Award
       Nigerian Centennial GYMC Award http://fmi.gov.ng/c/nigeria-centenary/ (to be confirmed)
       Central European Initiative GYMC Award
       Kärnten/Koroška/Carinthia GYMC Award (for submissions from the province where IAAI has its headquarters)

c. (free) GYMC Licensing for Independently organized GYMC competitions on local level (schools, municipalities, etc.) (similar to TEDx http://www.ted.com/tedx) (slogan: “Put Your School/Your City on the Global Map” -> global mapping of creative potentials, outstanding natural resources, innovative practices (governance innovations, civic engagement innovations, sharing of resources innovations etc.), local/global Sustainable Development challenges mapping, ..)

d. Improved Voting System of our technology partners Global Rockstar http://www.global-rockstar.com/ facilitating National pre-selections and thematic pre-selections
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e) Options for Integration of national, thematic and global juries

f) GYMC global finalist and thematic winners coming together for a “Band Camp” and Final concert in Austria that will be organized with international media partners (some promising talks on cooperation in this have been held i.a. with MTV) in summer 2014

Longterm perspective for additional GYMC dimensions and activities
(to be confirmed, depending on availability of funding, success of EU Youth in Action project application etc.):

g) Envisaged Cross-media campaigning: GYMC as point of crystallization and flagship initiative of a global Cross-media initiative on “Youth, Innovation and Global Challenges”: integrating social media with mainstream media (TV, radio, press) in 2014

h) GYMC Youthpass Certificate as incentive for participation (documenting informal learning experience of GYMC participants) https://www.youthpass.eu/en/youthpass/

IV. GYMC 2013/14 & Preparatory Workshop in Klagenfurt (Austria) 15-20 September 2013

The GYMC 2013/14 Preparatory Workshop „Global Youth Engagement and Empowerment through Music and Media“ will bring together from 15 – 20 September 2013 in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (Austria) global youth leaders, media partners, representatives of UN agencies and programs and experts in the fields of social media campaigning, broadcasting of user generated content, fundraising and youth empowerment as well as local representatives of civil society, academia and public sphere in order to

  • facilitate capacity building of national, regional and/or thematic coordinators and partnering global youth leaders
  • shared vision building with team members and representatives of partner organizations (UN agencies and programs, media companies, educational institutions, ..),
  • collaborative definition of content, procedures and (eligibility) criteria of the competition and
  • for having a festive launch of the “GYMC 2013 Call for Music and Action”.

(follow this link for a press release on 1st GYMC preparatory workshop which took place September 2011 in Klagenfurt: https://www.glocha.info/images/stories/rio/press%20release.pdf)


20-25 national, regional and/or thematic coordinators and partnering global youth leaders (see point 5.a) for more information about opportunities to get involved)
3-5 representatives of (UN) partner organizations
3-5 representatives of media partners
Workshop facilitators – experts in art and (informal) education for sustainable development, social media (Global Rockstar), legal issues, fundraising,etc.

Workshop participants will be staying at Youth Hostel Neckheimgasse http://www.oejhv.at/index.php?id=61

For touristic information regarding the province of Carinthia see http://www.carinthia.at/

The Workshop activities will be held at Alps-Adriatic University, Maria Loretto Palace and some other inspiring locations in Klagenfurt, and will be concluded with an excursion to Trieste (Italy) and Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 20th September.

Please read the info below to find out how you might get involved in GYMC and GYMC preparatory workshop. Please note that the workshop is open for participants (especially students and researchers) who are able to finance their travel and accommodation costs themselves and think that they could contribute to strengthening the knowledge base of GYMC initiative.


V. Partnership Opportunities

a.) Global Youth Leaders – Opportunities as National and Thematic Coordinators

For GYMC to develop its full potentials a strong network of highly motivated, innovative and entrepreneurial young people acting as national and thematic coordinators is indispensable (see https://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/169-gymc-resources for a list of national and regional coordinators of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest and some NC promotional material).

GYMC national coordinators translate the GYMC vision and outreach materials (e.g. “GYMC Call for Music and Action”) into local languages and link up with local and national youth networks, relevant ministries, UN representations in their countries, schools, foundations etc. for organization – and funding! – of local and national activities related to GYMC.

As regards GYMC preparatory workshop in Klagenfurt – a very important milestone in getting involved in GYMC as national or thematic coordinator, funding is available only for a very limited number of participants.

IAAI has limited financial resources of which we have to invest at the given stage a relatively big amount in setting up the information and communication technology system (paying license fees to our technology partners at Global Rockstar Ltd. etc.). Therefore our global network of coordinators can be built only on entrepreneurial young people who are able to use the enabling environment of our initiative for individual resource mobilization for their work as GYMC coordinators.

Prospective GYMC national and/or thematic coordinators are therefore encouraged to explore the possibility of finding a Sponsor (a “GYMC National Presenter”) for their travel and work (and a contribution to IAAI’s administration and technology services). (Note: the new voting platform of Global Rockstar offers special features for promotion of “National presenters” of the competition http://www.global-rockstar.com/national-presenter/; note: the sponsoring contract/MoU needs to be signed with IAAI).


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(source: Global Rockstar Presentation for Sponsors)

The sponsorship packages for “National presenters” (corporate, public or philanthropic partners) – will be calculated on a real cost basis (travel costs of NC for participation in preparatory workshop in Klagenfurt, costs of customizing national pre-selection on Global Rockstar voting platform (logo, etc.), administration and coordination costs of IAAI, reimbursement for the work of NC, production of promotional materials, events, ..).Cost estimate: 5.000 – 15.000 € per country (depending on Plan of Activities that NC and National Presenter agree upon with IAAI; costs can be funded jointly by a group of sponsors).

Steps towards becoming a GYMC 2013/14 National Coordinator:

  • The first step to become a GYMC National coordinator for your country will be to fill in the form Application form_coordinators_WSparticipants_GYMC2013 by 25 June 2013 (note: also later applications will be considered, but as we want to have a google-hangout 27 or 28 June we want to have a first overview of the level of interest before.
  • Next step will be to discuss your plan of activities and resource mobilization ideas with IAAI team members (especially GYMC global coordinator Jean Paul Brice Affana and head of IAAI center Klagenfurt, Miro Polzer).

  • In case there will be several very interesting and highly motivated potential GYMC NC candidates for one country it could happen that IAAI will propose to form a GYMC national coordination team
  • The plan of action as well as the general terms and conditions of your involvement with IAA/GYMC will be laid down in a “Memorandum of Understanding
  • and from there all avenues should be open for you to build for you and your fellow global citizens a sustainable world with “Music, Youth and Action”

Suggestions to prospective GYMC NCs for Identifying Sponsors/National Presenters:

If You are planning to approach international foundations or corporations with Letters of Inquiry please coordinate these activities first with GYMC global coordinator Jean Paul Brice Affana (jeanpaul@glocha.info).

Please use this form for expressing your interest in becoming a national/thematic coordinator for GYMC 2013/14: Application form_coordinators_WSparticipants_GYMC2013


IAAI is planning to host interns for a period of 6 – 12 months in Klagenfurt to work with us on GYMC; details will be announced once the financial possibilities of GYMC initiative will be clear.

A google-hangout with potential GYMC coordinators will be organized 27 or 28 June 2013.

b. International Organizations: : Global Sponsors and Presenters of Thematic Awards

If You are an International Organization, interested in Music, Youth and (Local) Action for Global Sustainable Development, You are invited to partner with IAAI/GYMC on

  • presenting a specific GYMC award (for orientation see info “What’s new?” above)
  • financing the work of a thematic coordinator/promoter for the specific award and financing participation of such person at GYMC preparatory workshop in September
  • acting as global sponsor/partner of GYMC
  • Partner for the Development of IT system for documentation of (youth led) globally relevant local sustainable development action

If interested please send an informal Expression of Interest via email to office@glocha.info: including info on

        the global challenges your organization is dealing with,
        info about your past and ongoing youth engagement and empowerment activities/programs
        and ideas for a specific thematic award or long-term strategic partnership with IAAI/GYMC

c. National Public Authorities: Put Your Country and Your Youth on the GYMC Map
  • Partner for National GYMC preselections / National GYMC Awards
  • Assign/Propose a GYMC national coordinator and support his/her participation in GYMC preparatory workshop (see info above)
  • Become the Presenter of National/Regional GYMC awards
  • Host GYMC concerts and other events on national level (together with media partners)

If interested in GYMC involvement please send an informal Expression of Interest viaemail to office@glocha.info

d. Media – Partner with GYMC as National GYMC Presenter or as Presenter of Thematic and Regional Awards

  • Outreach partner promoting the Call for Music and Action
  • Media Partner for National GYMC preselection
  • Organisation of GYMC concerts and other events on national level
  • Financing of participation of national coordinator in GYMC preparatory workshop and technical support for coordinator and GYMC participants

If interested in GYMC involvement please send an informal Expression of Interest via email to office@glocha.info: including info on

        info about your past and ongoing youth engagement and empowerment activities/programs
        global literacy/global social responsibility programs/education for sustainable development activities you have been involved in
        involvement in UN programs/events
        any further ideas for strategic partnership with IAAI/GYMC

e. Foundations – Generate Local and Global Public Added Value as GYMC Strategic Global Partner or Presenter of, National, Thematic and Regional Awards
  • Global presenter
  • National presenter
  • ICT system development partner
  • Supporting Accompanying research and evaluation
  • Teacher training workshops


f. Schools and Local Communities/Cities: Free Licensing for Independently organized GYMC activities – GYMCedu and GYMCloc

Get your license for Independently organizing local GYMCloc competitions (based on a free licensing agreement with IAAI)

Details will be elaborated at GYMC Prepartory Workshop in Klagenfurt in September.

If You would like to get involved in concept development and administration of GYMCedu and GYMCloc activities please send us an informal email to office@glocha.info


VI. Timeline:

  1. Submission and discussion of Partnership ‘Expressions of Interest’ – July & August
  2. Sponsor acquisition (National presenters, etc.) – IAAI and Global Rockstar supporting global youth leaders (prospective national and thematic coordinators) in acquisition of sponsors
  3. Preparatory workshop – September
  4. Launch of Call for Music and Action 19 September 2013
  5. Promotion of the ‘GYMC Call for Music and Action’ through social media, global youth networks, partner organizations and media partners (MTV, euronews Y etc.)
  6. 1st October – EU Youth in Action Program GYMC project application submission
  7. Licensing GYMCedu, GYMCloc
  8. Deadline for submission of music videos (to be determined at the preparatory workshop)
  9. Online voting (approx. till April 2014)
  10. Jury voting (approx. till April 2014)
  11. GYMC Presentation at ECOSOC Youth Forum in NY (March 2014
  12. Band camp in Carinthia & recording (approx. June 2014)
  13. Concluding concert (approx. June 2014
  14. Trip of winners to NY or Rio (September or July 2014)
  15. Global cross-media event on Youth, Innovation and Global Challenges (autumn 2014)


VII. Social Media Reach Info for Prospective Cooperation Partners


        IAAI Rio+20 GYMC facebook page 1.400 fans GlobalRockstar.net Rio+20GYMC fb: 4.500
        Global Rockstar.com facebook page 65.000 fans

Expected Traffic on Voting Page www.global-rockstar.net / www.gymc.glocha.net:

November 2013 – May 2014
(estimate based on experience with Rio+20 GYMC and other competition run by GlobalRockstar.com)
    • More than 1.000 submitted music videos from more than 60 countries expected
    • 1.000.000 votes per month
    • 2.500.000 page impressions per month
    • 15% Mobile Users
    • Countries of origin of GYMC social media networks indicate outstanding potentials for intercultural dialogue/dialogue among civilizations with strong GYMC representation in countries in Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia as well as US, EU member state countries, etc.
    • 250.000 unique users per month

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Time on site: 15 min

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VIII. Links to Further Information
      The Rio+20 GYMC Journey Towards the Future We Want
      Rio+20 15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Commitment
      (emerging) GloCha Cluster on Innovation and Youth in support of United Nations
      Vienna Initiative on Local Provision of Global Public Goods https://www.glocha.info/attachments/article/223/ViennaInitiativeonPublicGoods_vers03_5June2013.pdf