Call for Entries: Poster Competition for #GiveYouthaChance Call for Resources for Youth Climate Action Campaign

In the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech (07 Nov – 18 Nov 2016), the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI – an UNFCCC and UN ECOSOC accredited civil society organization based in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (Austria) – is organizing a resource mobilization campaign for youth climate action (hashtag #GiveYouthaChance).
The campaign calls for resources
- for youth participation in UNFCCC processes
- for UN system’s programs on youth empowerment for climate action and
- for an Agenda2030 youth action marketplace that will empower young people for local climate action in a globally coordinated manner and connect them with blended financing from local and global public, private and philanthropic sources.
(for detailed information about the campaign see
Poster Competition – Call for Entries
Young people now have the opportunity to participate in the design of the visual appearance of the camapign by participating in the “#GiveYouthaChance Call for Resources for Youth Climate Action” poster competition 2016.
The #GiveYouthaChance youth poster contest is open to children and youth up to 35 years, living anywhere in the world.
The winning poster will be presented during COP22 Young and Future Generations Day on 10th of November 2016.
Young participants have until 2nd November 2016 to submit their work to giveyouthachance(at)
The winning poster and the story of its creator will be presented and promoted by IAAI and #GiveYouthaChance partners at their COP22 exhibit booth, featured on their websites and on social media.
The creator of the winning poster will receive a certificate of recognition, a cash prize of 300 US$ and also get an opportunity to present via videoconferencing (or via a pre-recorded message) within a 3 minutes time slot her/his views on resources for youth empowerment for climate change at the official COP22 side event “Financial, Technical and Institutional Support for Scaling Up Youth Climate Action” organized jointly by IAAI, CliMates and Green Cross International on COP22 Young and Future Generations day 10th of November 2016 which will be will be live webbroadcasted on UNFCCC youtube channel: link)
Poster File Size and File Type:
Maximum file size: 10 MB.
File type: JPEG, PNG or PDF.
Who Can Enter
Children and Youth below the age of 35 years from any place in the world can enter this contest.
Art work must be original, submitted by the artist. It should be developed such that it could be displayed in a 60 by 90 centimetres (2 feet x 3 feet) format.
Entries must be two dimensional using either traditional methods (pens, pencils, crayons, charcoal, oil paint, acrylic paint, watercolour, etc.) or modern digital illustration process.
As all art work must be fully original, no entries will be accepted or considered if they are deemed to use in whole or part derivative images which could be considered plagiaristic.
Multiple entries are allowed if the design concept is different from one poster to another.
Words, text, GloCha logo (see attachment below) and/or SDGs icons can be added on the poster submission, provided that it is relevant to the aim of the contest.
Entries should be sent as attachments or as dropbox link to giveyouthachance(at)
All entries will be judged by #GIveYouthAChance campaign partners using the same criteria: creativity, composition, theme and technique.
The winners will be announced on 10 November 2016.
Contest Prize
There will be one winner.
The Cash prize will be USD 300
Those making submissions agree that IAAI retains all copyrights of the materials submitted. Files uploaded to the contest should be solely images of the artwork and not contain photographic images of the contestant nor other individuals.
IAAI shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur by entering this contest and the IAAI reserves the right to make changes to the rules of the contest without prior notification.