International Conference at African Union Mission to the UN in NY on SDGs Implementation in Lake Chad Basin Region

International Conference
Sustainable Development Goals Implementation in Lake Chad Basin Region
An Opportunity for Leadership in Social and Technological Innovation
New York, NY 10017
Thursday, 20th of September 2018, 10 AM – 5 PM
Held in the context of the opening of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly
The Lake Chad basin region is one of the most challenging places on earth regarding implementation of sustainable development goals /Agenda2030. Due to climate change, armed conflicts, refugee crises and several other factors the situation in this region in the heart of Africa is often being referred to as one of the most severe and most complex humanitarian emergencies in the world.
Delivering sustainable development here and not leaving anybody behind – as global community has set as a common goal in Agenda2030 – is beyond the capacity of public authorities servicing the region.
The challenge therefore is to deploy innovative multistakeholder partnerships which engage public authorities, private sector, NGOs as well as concerned individual citizens domestically and from abroad towards sustainable development goals implementation in the Lake Chad basin region in line with Agenda2030.
A leader in resource mobilization for sustainable development in the region is the AlNajat charity organization from Kuwait. Together with Association la Plume pour la Culture et le Developpement (APCD), a development NGO based in Bongor (Chad), Alnajat helped implement several development projects in the field of water, education and health.
Since January 2018, the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI), a UN accredited civil society organization from Austria (Europe) is joining these sustainable development efforts in the Chad region with social innovation (e.g. the global multistakeholder partnership GloCha; global challenges youth and ICT (information and communication technology) centers and technological innovation (e.g. satellite technology based internet access for e-learning and e-health; enhanced access to renewable energy technologies like e.g. Photovoltaic modules, blockchain technology for climate entrepreneurship business models etc.)
Together the organizers of the event aim to develop and advance innovative programs for sustainable development in Chad and in neighboring countries in the Lake Chad basin region and to identify ways for scaling up of successful models to other parts of the world.
Aims of the event
The event “Sustainable Development Goals Implementation in Lake Chad Basin region – An Opportunity for Leadership in Social and Technological Innovation” aims
– to raise awareness of the need for international cooperation and enhanced financial and technological support towards Agenda2030 implementation in Africa and in particular in the Lake Chad basin region
– to present to the international community which will gather in New York in the context of the opening of the 73rd session of the UN GA innovative sustainable development projects and innovative technological solutions that are applicable in Lake Chad Basin region and
– facilitate the formation and the strengthening of multistakeholder partnerships for the implementation of sustainable development goals in Africa
10.00 – 10.45 Welcome session
moderator: Matts O. Ingemanson, Chair, Rotary Grassroots Peacemaking
- Introductory video
- Fatima Kyari Mohammed, ambassador, Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union to the UN HQ
- Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, ambassador, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the UN in NY
- representatives of other Permanent Mission of Lake Chad basin countries
10.45 – 12.00 Thematic introduction – The Lake Chad basin region & Agenda2030/Sustainable Development Goals and Fundamentals of setting up effective multistakeholder partnerships
moderator: Dairou Sidiki, APCD
- Issa Mardo Djabir, focal point for the SDGs in the parliament of the Republic of Chad
- Ammo Aziza Baroud, ambassador of Chad in Brussels, chair of ACP Committee of Ambassadors (videomessage) – The EU-Africa Partnership Program and its Potentials for Social and Technological Innovation in Lake Chad Basin Region
- Belinda Biscoe, Vice President, Oklahoma University – How to build Capacity for Effective Multistakeholder Partnerships?
- Jaber Al-Wandah, deputy General Manager, AlNajat Charity Organization – Resource Mobilization for SDGs Implementation in Lake Chad Basin Region – Good Practice Cases from AlNajat Charity Organization from Kuwait
- Hawa Diallo, UN Department for Public Information – Harnessing the Potentials of Non-Governmental Organizations for SDGs Implementation in Africa
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break
13.00-14.30 Presentation of Solutions: entrepreneurship capacity building in a changing climate
moderator: Belinda Biscoe, Oklahoma University
- Dairou Sidiki APCS/AlNajat/GloCha – Youth Engagement in Agenda2030 Implementation in Chad through Social Entrepreneurship: Needs, Potentials and Action Plans
- Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha, The GloCha Multistakeholder Partnership for Youth Empowerment: Connecting local micro-action for the SDGs with global resources, video on demand:
- Babatomiwa John Adesida, Private Sector and Philanthropy Consultant, SDG Fund
- , BASF
- Yehuda Kaploun, President, WatergenUSA
14.30 – 15.00 coffee break
15.00 – 16.30 technological and institutional infrastructure for knowledge based multistakeholder partnerships
moderator: Bojana Beric, Long Island University
- Tihomir Divjak, IAAI GloCha satellite technology expert, Satellite Communications as lever for realization of SDGs in Lake Chad Region – GloCha eHealth & e-Learning initiatives (video on demand:
- Ahmed Soguktas, UN Habitat – Institutionalizing on Local Level the Youth Engagement in Sustainable Development – UN Habitat Model Youth Center and GloCha Center Synergy Potentials
- Sat Bhattacharya, Harlem Children Society – STEM Education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) for SDGs Implementation in Lake Chad Basin Region – An Cooperation Offer of the Harlem Children Society
- Bedis Zormati, C-Energy
16.30 – 17.00 Conclusions: Identifying learning opportunities, new partnerships, announcing next steps
Live and on demand webcast:
- dr. Dairou Sidiki, AlNajat & APCD, GloCha Africa coordinator drsidiki (at)
- dr. Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha, polzer(at), tel.: 646 627 6408
- dr. Ibrahim Umar Modibbo, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the UN in NY, imodibbo(at)