ActionNow – Youth Enngagement and Mass Mobilization for Climate Action

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ECOSOC Youth Forum 2019 Side event

Youth Engagement and Mass Mobilization for Climate Action

with the Power of Music and Technology

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Date:   9 April 2019, 3.30 – 4.45 PM

Venue:   Permanent Mission of Poland to the UN, 750 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10017


The Climate Action Summit of the Secretary General of the United Nations in September 2019 will be one of the most important global climate action events of the year. The Secretary General has announced that he wants to see unprecedented youth and civil society mobilization and engagementas one of the main outcomes of the summit.

The #ActionNow campaign is designed to help achieve this ambitious aim with the power of music and a combination of technology facilitated local and global level mass mobilization activities.


At the ECOSOC Youth Forum side event there will be

     welcome address by Mr. Paweł Radomski, DPR PM of Poland

     presentations and discussion on youth empowerment for climate action in the context of Agenda2030 and the UNFCCC process (in particular ACE & Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action)

     a presentation of the ActionNow movement building platform

     presentation of partners (e.g. UNESCO MOST, EarthLanka, Earth Day Network, Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, Music for SDGs, Youthink Center  China, ..)

     a discussion and further development of the #ActionNow youth and civil society mobilization plans with the audience (ECOSOC youth forum participants, partners of the initiative, delegates of missions, ..)


     participants of the event will learn about the UN SG Climate Summit and about innovative ways for youth and civil society mobilization for climate action

     the event will serve as a soft launch of the Earth Music Awards 2019 Call for Music

     the side event will be an opportunity for ECOSOC YF participants to become engaged in the initiative as musicians, local event organizers or outreach partners