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Meet With Expert Team

Mariia Shelest

Hossein Hassani

Director of Data Science and Technology Innovation

Hossein Hassani

Director of Data Science and Technology Innovation
Dr. Hassani's extensive background in academia and international organization makes his experience unique. After earning his PhD, he spent several years working in academia, holding various positions from Lecturer to Director of a Research Center in different countries. Dr. Hassani has established himself as a leader in the scientific community, ranking among the top 1% of scientists globally according to the 2022 ranking. He has received widespread recognition for his groundbreaking research and contributions, demonstrating his commitment to advancing the scientific community. Through his extensive experience and innovative approach, Dr. Hassani has contributed to the growth and development of the scientific community with his invaluable research. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles and written seven books, which have earned recognition and media coverage worldwide. His work has been highly cited and he has received numerous awards, including the Chinese Academy of Science ward, in recognition of his exceptional achievements. Dr. Hassani's dedication to mentoring and supporting young researchers, particularly in the developing world, is a testament to his commitment to advancing knowledge in the various industry. He has supervised many PhD students globally, and has spoken at Youth related events.

Michael Platzer


Minna Aslama Horowitz

Vice President

Miroslav Polzer

Executive Director

Miroslav Polzer

Executive Director
Founder & CEO of IAAI #GloCha l Empowering #ClimateAction of #Youth #Citizens #Communities w #NewThinking #DigitalInnovation #Blockchain #Music #DigitalArt4Climate l #EUClimatePactAmbassador

Ali Mustafa

Youth Delegate at the UN in NY

Ali Mustafa

Youth Delegate at the UN in NY

About IAAI


International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAIwww.glocha.info – is a not-for profit private association, which has been established under Austrian law of associations by an international group of scientists, science managers and futures studies experts in April 2007. IAAI seat is in Klagenfurt/Austria. IAAI main objective is to explore and promote systemic innovation regarding resource mobilization of global civil society for effective global governance in support of the work of United Nation System.

Key initiatives of IAAI are:

Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest www.global-rockstar.net (basic idea:  youth participation in global governance, global community building and youth empowerment through music; more info: http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/201-gymc151515postidy2012)

Rio+20 issues Cluster on Innovation (networking of and policy coordination of global civil society experts on innovation in the run-up of United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (so called Rio+20) and in the context of implementation of Rio+20 outcomes; more info: http://uncsd.iisd.org/news/rio20-issues-cluster-on-innovation-produces-brief-on-innovation-for-sustainable-development/)

15/15/15 United Nations Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Committment http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?page=view&type=1006&menu=153&nr=88 and 15/15/15 Global Civil Society Resource Mobilization Alliance (ReMA); more info: http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/204-wsremaandgfirmesvienna23oct2012

Global Challenges Centers – local multistakeholder partnerships for sustainable development linked among themselves and with UN system through a shared vision (15/15/15), a global documentation system for multistakeholder efforts towards sustainable development and competitions (Global Challenges World Cup/Global Challenges Urban Games, forthcoming; some ideas on potential form and function of Global Challenges in Southeast Europe can be found here )

iaai ga smallandlowres

For more info see IAAI Annual Report 2011 http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/194-iaaiannualreport2011publ


IAAI is UN Academic Impact Member

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