IAAI side event Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula – Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want

IAAI side event Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula – Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want
Time and Venue: 09:30 – 11:00, Rio Centro Room: T-4
Miroslav Polzer – introduction, Issues Cluster on Innovation Info and basic 15/15/15 UN Civil Society Partnership info (10 min)
15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula’ states that global civil society
– on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and
– on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance.
Tara DePorte – innovating the UN system by mobilizing civil society – MobilizeUS experiences and visions
Douglas Williamson – Building the Ethical Foundation for Global Civic Engagement in SD
Jean Paul Brice Affana – youth perspectives & Rio+20 Global Youth music Contest
Side event info:
Why is there a need for a grand vision for UN –Civil Society partnership?
Simply, because the existing global sustainable development governance, global climate change governance and many other global governance processes are not effectice!
At Rio+20 heads of states and governments shall admit that UN system in its present form – with resources provision and decision making power resting solely with national governments – does not deliver effective global multilevel governance responses to global challenges. Heads of governments and states gathering at Rio+20 shall therefore commit to give room for new thinking and for initiatives regarding global governance innovations aiming at integration of resources and knowledge/preferences of global civil society and each Global Citizen in building The Future we Want.
“15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula” – developed in the context of Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation) is one concrete proposal in this direction. It states that Global civil society on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance (see the Rio+20 Informal Issues Brief “Innovation for Sustainable Development” for details http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?page=view&nr=1018&type=230&menu=38
At the 15/15/15 side event the initiative (incl. 15/15/15 Rio+20 Voluntary Commitment http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?page=view&type=1006&menu=153&nr=88) will be presented to a broader public and representatives of Civil Society Organizations, Youth organizations, UN officials, member states, media, celebrities, scientists etc. will be invited to join a 15/15/15 Group of friends and to participate in developing further concrete global and local implementation measures and to explore how synergies can be generated with existing and planned related initiatives.
One aspect will be to discuss how 15/15/15 initiative can be linked with next round of (Rio+20) Global Youth Music Contest (see http://bit.ly/LhZuWK for more info)
Another one will be the option to design the initiative in a way that will be connected with a global referendum demanding more effective global governance and strengthened UN system, supporting implementation of Rio+20 outcomes.