Photo Documentary on „Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest“



Rio+20 GYMC has been one of the most successful and dynamic global youth initiatives of the last few months in its ambition to facilitate with an attractive multilingual and multicultural grassroots approach youth participation and informal education for sustainable development in the context of United Nations system.

The first prizes winners of both categories (overall winner and winner in the category Young: Children Choir Santo Amaro de Oeiras from Portugal, and winners in the category youth: Milena Paraschiv and Radu Popescu from Romania – have been rewarded with a trip to Rio de Janeiro to participate in the Rio+20 Earth Summit in June 2012 where they have had several opportunities to perform at events at Rio Centro as well as at events organized in the context of Rio+20 Peoples Summit and thus make the voices of global youth heard to a global audience.


It was a wonderful experience for the young artists as well as for everybody who had a chance to see and listen to the musical messages of our symbolic GYMC global youth ambassadors.

The Rio+20 GYMC documentary has been put together in order to share photos and videos of the active participation of GYMC winners at Rio+20 as well as photos and videos of preparatory activities around the world with the thousands of people who love GYMC initiative and follow its developments via social media.

Another purpose of the documentary is to demonstrate the strength and attractiveness of the initiative as well as the implementation power and commitment of those who manage the initiative to be presented at GYMC events/meetings at World Urban Forum in Naples/Italy and afterwards in New York in September 2012 – thus preparing the foundation for even greater youth mobilization and impact in future.

More detailed information (including reports of GYMC national coordinators) will be provided in a GYMC book which shall be published by the end of the year 2012.