IAAI-CEI Klagenfurt Workshop “Youth, Music and Action for a Sustainable World”, 4-6 June 2014

Youth, Music, Knowledge and Action for a Sustainable World
Workshop Aim:
Engaging and Empowering Youth and Local Communities in Central and Southeast Europe
to Connect with Global Sustainable Development Action through regional networking and project development.
A Workshop in the Context of Austrian 2014 presidency of Central European Initiative www.cei.int

Date: 4th – 6th of June 2014
in cooperation with:
Modern world is offering to young people in Europe on the one hand great opportunities to consume goods and services from all around the world, to travel distant places, to connect globally through modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to engage in local and global public life. But the backside of this modern world is that our advanced and globally interconnected socio-economic systems reach more and more towards planetary boundaries and (young) people need to learn to address growing global challenges in terms of climate change, overexploitation of natural resources etc and there are also huge development inequalities around the world.
In order to empower young people to play an active role in addressing such global challenges while at the same time harnessing the opportunities of global interconnectedness, new thinking is needed regarding the contributions every human being can make to efforts of local and global communities towards sustainable development. Innovative Concepts, Campaigns and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools (Knowledge Management) and Capacity Building for youth led civic engagement in sustainable development action with special consideration of United Nations programs and goals need to be put in place.
Such new concepts, campaigns and ICT tools are the field of competence of International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) www.glocha.info, a UN accredited civil society organization based in Klagenfurt/Austria which has developed into a global thematic leader on these subjects since its establishment in the year 2007 (e.g. through organizing Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest www.global-rockstar.net).
Workshop Description
At IAAI – CEI Klagenfurt Workshop a group of about 20-25 young people (<35 years) and youth development experts from Central European Initiative Member States http://www.cei.int/content/member-states will work with workshop facilitators coming from UN agencies, academia, civil society and social media sector on concrete new project initiatives in the fields of
- Education and Knowledge Collaboration for Sustainable Development
- Music and Sport for Sustainable Development (Global Challenges World Cup) and
- (Social) Entrepreneurship training in the context of post2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
that will be presented at International Conference “Sustainable Development, Innovation and Youth” https://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/243-glochaconf2014andsideeventsceiandict – which is an integral part of the Workshop – and shall be later on developed into implementable projects under the leadership of IAAI.
Part of the workshop is also a learning and doing strand on International Knowledge Collaboration in Cross-cultural Perspective which is being offered in cooperation with Wikimedia Austria and Wikimedia chapters in Central and Southeast Europe in the context of IAAI’s emerging ‘Global Hub on Youth, Innovation and ICT for Sustainable Development, Klagenfurt’.
Tentative Agenda:
3rd June – Arrival and informal get together at Youth Hostel Jugendgästehaus Klagenfurt,Neckheimgasse 6, http://www.oejhv.at/index.php?id=61&L=1 in the evening
4th June – Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt
- Morning: Welcome, Tour de Table and Thematic Introductions
– Ivana Savic: The Global post2015 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Role of Youth and Local Action
– Miroslav Polzer: IAAI/GloCHa – Social and Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development
– Sandra Antonovic & Tamara Mitrofanenko & Billy Batware: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
Afternoon: Team Work – Developing Youth4SustDev Project Initiatives for Central and Southeast Europe
– Team Education: Schools Networking, Knowledge Collaboration and Crowdfunding project/program development for initiatives on Education for Sustainable Development & Global Citizenship, promotion of global social responsibility and sustainable lifestyles in schools in CEE/SEE
– Team Music and Sport: Promotion of Multistakeholder Action for Sustainable Development through Global Challenges World Cup / Global Youth Music Contest (Team leader: Brian Kaufmann)
– Team Entrepreneurship: Promoting sustainable development related Youth Entrepreneurship through institutional and technological infrastructure that will provide Information on entrepreneurial opportunities for young people through in-person and online services
5th June – Hotel Seepark, Klagenfurt
- Morning: brief feed-back session and continuation of team work (including production of audio-visual documentation and promotion materials (powerpoint, video, photos, etc.) for the presentation at the conference
- Afternoon: active participation in International Conference “Sustainable development, Innovation and Youth” with presentation of team work results
6th June – Hotel Seepark, Klagenfurt
- Morning:active participation in International Conference “SustDev, Innovation and Youth”
- Noon: concluding feed-back session and awarding of attendance certificates
- Afternoon: departure
Workshop Coordinator(s):
Miroslav Polzer, secretary general
Nektarina Non Profit | Education 4 Sustainability
Info: GloCha Conference 2014
(= part of the IAAI-CEI Workshop Program)
Sustainable Development, Innovation and Youth
Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria – Hotel Seepark http://www.seeparkhotel.at
5 & 6 June 2014
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee www.glocha.info
- Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) – Vienna Liaison Office www.acuns.org
- Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt www.aau.at
- Wikimedia Austria www.wikimedia.at
- Conference of Non Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status with United Nations www.ngocongo.org/
global youth leaders, scientists, civil society, United Nations, philanthropy and social entrepreneurship leaders, ICT experts
Further Information: https://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/243-glochaconf2014andsideeventsceiandict