#GYMC15 Update Nr 1 – Upload starting on International Youth Day 12 August 2015

Dear young musicians,
dear friends,

IAAI has launched in cooperation with UNESCO MOST and UNFCCC secretariat the Call for Music for the ‘2015 Global Challenges Youth Music Contest‘ (#GYMC15) 3rd of June 2015 at Bonn Climate Conference (http://newsroom.unfccc.int/unfccc-newsroom/2015-global-challenges-youth-music-contest/) – inviting young musicians to inspire global community to act decisively and effectively on climate change and other sustainable development challenges by producing and submitting self-created music video clips to #GYMC15.

With this #GYMC15 Update 1 we want to

  1. provide basic information on the #GYMC15 initiative
  2. report about the state of #GYMC15 implementation
  3. inform about changes regarding the timeline of the initiative (upload phase starting on International Youth Day 12th of August 2015) and
  4. provide a list of information that participants will need to provide with the submission of entries
  5. guidance regarding the definition of “youth”

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1. #GYMC15 basic information

With the #GYMC15 initiative we aim to

        Communicate the topics of the World Climate Conference COP21 which will be held in Paris in December 2015 to young people through peer communication (= “informal global citizenship education”)

        Creating and spreading positive messages about youth led climate action

        Promoting low-carbon lifestyles and ‚think global – act local‘ values and action

        Show to policymakers that young people demand strong global cooperation and bold action on climate change

        inspire young people to organize with competent partners local COP21, Youth and Music activities

The 2015 Global Challenges Youth Music Contest consistsof 2 main parts:

  • the 2015 GYMC online competition and
  • the 2015 GYMC TV Show which will be held during COP21 at UNESCO Headquarters and will be globally broadcasted in cooperation with strong media partners

The 2 main 2015 GYMC Awards are:

        a 2015 GYMC Climate Change/COP21 Award

        a 2015 GYMC Sustainable Development  Award(or #WeAreOne Award)

The winning entries will receive the following prize:

        Round trip to COP21/CMP11 in Paris, France December 2015; and the opportunity to participate in 2015 GYMC TV show

more info: https://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/266-gymc15launchbonn


2. state of #GYMC15 implementation

Organizing a live TV show that shall take place at UNESCO headquarters in Paris during a unique time of human history and that shall be broadcasted globally in cooperation with the world’s leading public service broadcast union (EBU) is a huge challenge. Especially so for a young, volunteer driven and under-resourced civil society organization like IAAI.

After time consuming technical issues around securing the venue it seems that we finally have succeeded and that we will have our event at UNESCO’s Conference Room 1 – one of the most prestigious venues in Paris – 6th of December late afternoon.

Meetings with EBU are scheduled for 21st of July in Geneva and after that we should have all the documents (contract/MoU regarding venue, Letter of Intent from EBU regarding distribution partnership, identified show producer/director, templates of contracts for participating artists and broadcasters, detailed financial plan) for establishing partnerships with sponsors, jury members, performers etc..

Having all these issues settled and clearly defined before submission of entries starts is important in order for active participants in the competition to have a clear overall picture of planned use of the received #GYMC15 artworks by IAAI and partners as the act of submitting a music video clip for #GYMC15 establishes a legal agreement between the submitter and IAAI regardingrights and responsibilities associated with cooperation in the framework of #GYMC15 contest.


3. new start date for upload phase: 12th of August 2015 – International Youth Day 2015

For the reasons stated above IAAI decided to move the start date for submissions to 12th of August 2015 (and not 15 July as initially envisaged). End date for submissions and timing for work of jury and online voting will be adapted accordingly.

But in addition to the practical reasons for the new start date of the upload or submission phase, there is also the high symbolic value of this date for global youth empowerment action a strong argument to mark this day with a milestone of #GYMC2015.

The theme of International Youth Day 2015 is “Youth Civic Engagement” – a topic that is very close to our hearts and minds at IAAI and which can certainly also inspire the music of ‘GYMC15 participants:

“More efforts are needed to raise awareness about the importance of youth civic engagement and its benefits to the individual and to society, including for sustainable development as well as resilience and wellbeing. The International Youth Day 2015 campaign aims at promoting civic engagement and participation of youth in politics and public life, so that young people can be empowered and bring a full contribution to society, development and peace.  You can be part of these efforts!” http://undesadspd.org/Youth/InternationalYouthDay/2015.aspx

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4. list of information that participants will need to provide with the submission of entries.

Song Info

  •        Youtube URL
  •        Title
  •        Tags
  •        Description (in English; translations in French, Spanish and/or other languages welcome)
  •        Lyrics (in English; translations in French, Spanish and/or other languages welcome)
  •        Copyright Lyrics
  •        Copyright Music
  •        Copyright Publisher

 Artist Info

  •        Name
  •        Picture (square picture with at least 500 pixel width and height)
  •        E-mail address
  •        City
  •        Country
  •        Date of birth (the one of the artist and age info of the copyright owners of lyrics and music)
  •        Gender
  •        Facebook
  •        Twitter
  •        YouTube
  •        Website

Contact Person

  •        First Name
  •        Last Name
  •        Address
  •        Postal Code
  •        City
  •        Country
  •        E-mail address
  •        Telephone
  •        Date of birth


5. definition of “youth”

The UN, for statistical consistency across regions, defines ‘youth’, as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years.

But UN system/UNESCO has the flexibility to cooperate on programs that build on other definitions of the age range of youth, like e.g. the one given in the African Youth Charter where “youth” means “every person between the ages of 15 and 35 years”. (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/youth/youth-definition/)

In line with this practice GYMC15 organizers define “youth” as the age range 15-35 years.

Although intergenerational cooperation for #GYMC15 entries is welcome, the main ownership (as reflected in song info on copyright for lyrics and music) of the submission should be held by young people.

If You have further questions please email them to us at office (at) glocha.info