IAAI Informatik 2016 Workshop ICT4YouthClimateAction

Youth Empowerment for Climate Action through Information and Communication Technologies
IAAI Workshop in the context of Informatik 2016 Conference “For the People – By the People”
Informatik 2016 is the 46th Annual Conference of the association “Gesellschaft für Informatik” – the biggest Informatics conference in Central Europe
Date: Friday, 30.09.2016 | 14:00 – 17:30h
Venue: Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Raum E.1.05
Informatik 2016 website: http://www.informatik2016.de
Submission of workshop paper proposals:
The workshop organizers are inviting the submission of a short version of paper proposals (up to 2 pages) for the workshop by 16th of May 2016 to polzer @ glocha.info.
(Note: in order to be considered for publication in the INFORMATIK 2016 Conference Proceedings all authors must comply with LNI style of publication of the INFORMATIK 2016 Conference Proceedings.)
Proposals will be reviewed by the organizers continuously and a notification regarding acceptance of the paper can be expected within 2 weeks after submission.
About the Workshop
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) is a United Nations accredited non-governmental organization / social enterprise based in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee that develops concepts, ICT tools and campaigns for youth engagement in multistakeholder action for sustainable development in the context of United Nations programs and goals. IAAI’s vision is to set up in Klagenfurt/Carinthia/Alps&Adria region a cross-border competence cluster on Global Challenges, Youth and ICT.
At the IAAI Informatik 2016 workshop participants will
- hear from representatives of United Nations system (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Action for Climate Empowerment team, members of Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development) about RTD and social entrepreneurship cooperation potentials in the field of global challenges, youth and ICT,
- learn about IAAI’s plans and internship opportunities in the field of setting up the knowledge base and ICT infrastructure for youth led climate action (e.g. youth focused technology facilitation through a global network of Global Challenges, Youth and ICT centers, ICT tools for civic engagement in the context of the Citizens Climate Engagement Network) and
- get an opportunity to present research and ICT development proposals, student work, in the fields of civic technology, civic media, citizen science, etc
Topics of Interest
- civic media
- citizen science
- open educational resources
- applications development (sustainable / low carbon lifestyles, ..)
- citizen participation in smart sustainable urban development
- games development
Miroslav Polzer
Secretary General
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI GLOCHA polzer @ glocha.info
Program Committee
Ravi Karkara, co-chair of UN Inter-Agency Network on Youth development & vice president of IAAI et al.