webmaster 16 January 2023
Climate Changemakers – Digital Innovation for Youth Climate Action
September 8th & 9th, 2022, 10.00 AM – 5.00 PM EDT
United Nations Headquarters New York, Conference Room 11, New York City
with live and on-demand broadcast on UN WebTV

DigitalArt4Climate Exhibition, UN Conference Building, 1st floor, Curved Wall, Sept. 6 – 16th


Event Objectives:
Presentation of existing and planned digital tools/solutions for youth focused local SDG action and climate action empowerment and formation of a #Digital4Youth multi-stakeholder partnership for the collaborative development of the necessary global technological infrastructure/ecosystem (digital identity management, youth climate action reporting framework, digital measurement-reporting-verification, crowd-evaluation, global challenges action registry; (NFT) marketplace, participatory multilevel governance tools, digital finance, metaverse/VR/AR solutions, data collection/citizen science, education, gamification, ….) for effective youth engagement and empowerment in local SDGs implementation.
The event as well as the partnership aim for strong alignment with relevant UN system efforts like
- Localization of SDGs (Local2030 Coalition)
- UN system innovation in the context of the UN SG’s “Our Common Agenda” report (esp. ‘Summit of the Future’ and ‘UN Office for Youth’ preparations)
- Youth engagement & Action for Climate Empowerment at UN Climate Conferences COP27 and COP28
The Climate Changemakers: Digital Innovation for Youth Climate Action Conference and Exhibition is a joint initiative of the Climate Changemaker initiative, a programme of UNEP supported by the Government of Lanzarote, Spain, IAAI Glocha, the Turkish Municipality of Bahcelievler and UN-Habitat.
This event serves as a space to spotlight the unique and innovative ways for youth led creativity and entrepreneurship to spur global and local change and to highlight the enabling role of digital innovation for the localization of the SDGs. This is also a space for networking, partnerships, and idea sharing for innovative solutions related to inclusive governance and youth-led SDG localization. The Conference will include a week-long DigitalArt4Climate exhibition, a 2-day conference, and a reception.
Initiatives such as Climate Changemakers, the UN World Environment Situation room and DigitalArt4Climate will be the centerpiece of the conference. Youth participants and award winners will also be present at the conference to share their experiences and new innovative technologies. Multi-stakeholder partnerships are essential to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030 which is why this space has been created to exhibit technological innovations and exchange ideas for sustainable solution-making that puts youth at the forefront and amplifies their voice for change.
8 Sept – 10.00-11.00 Welcome Session and Thematic Introduction
Moderator: Taylor Garner, UN Habitat Youth 2030 Cities
- Miroslav Polzer & Cleopatra Masinga-Chibueze, IAAI GloCha
- Ali Mustafa, International Youth Conference
- Climate Changemakers initiative partners
- Hakan Bahadir, Mayor of Bahcelievler
- Samed Agirbas
- Alexandre Caldas, UN Environment (virtual) – Thematic intro on digital transformation & environmental sustainability
- Valentina Calò, UNDP Rome Office – Youth4Climate (virtual)
- Ari Eisenstat, Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies & Youth2030Entrepreneurship, Emerging Technologies Enabling SDGs/Climate Entrepreneurship

11.00-13.00 – Youth SDG action reporting & climate entrepreneurship session
Moderator: Ari Eisenstat, Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies
- John Crowley, PHGD Group & Former Director of the UNESCO Management of Social Transformation Programme – Youth Climate Action Empowerment – The Role of Knowledge, Data and Incentives
- Navroop k. Sahdev, Digital Economist
- Timothy Damon, Global Youth Development Institute – Resource mobilization for youth climate action – Challenges and Opportunities
- Miroslav Polzer – IAAI GloCha digital solutions for youth climate action empowerment
- Tadej Slapnik, Harnessing the potentials of blockchain technology for SDGs focused social entrepreneurship – Experiences and Initiatives from Slovenia (virtual)
- Joao Pita Costa, International AI Research Center (IRCAI), Ljubljana – AI for SDG Action (virtual)
8 Sept – 14.00-15.30 – Blockchain4Climate session
Moderator: Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha & Climate Chain Coalition & Intro “From the MENA Climate Week Blockchain4Climate session to COP28”
- Jane Thomason & Zahid Mir (virtual) – Blockchain4Climate regional networking in the MENA region in the run-up to COP28
- Kristina Corner, Cointelegraph (virtual)
- Raymond Van Ermen, European Partners for the Environment – Blockchain4UN initiative (virtual)
- Alexey Shadrin – Blockchain technology as enabler of climate finance innovation, (virtual)
- Tom BaumanMENA Climate Week Blockchain4Climate session to COP27 & n, Climate Chain Coalition – Data and digital innovation for effective multistakeholder climate action (virtual)

8 Sept – 15.30-17.00
DigitalArt4Climate session
Moderator: Zephanii Smith Eisenstat
- Miroslav Polzer, DigitalArt4Climate coordinator
- Doug Ragan, UN Habitat
- Mo Ghoneim, ArtsHelp
- Alex Mitrovic, Unique network (virtual)
- Sol Moran Broza, Music4Climate
- Domenico Vito, Hubzine Italy (virtual)
- Lisa Russel, Create 2030 (virtual)
- Gerry Wonderkid, Mathare artist (virtual)
8 Sept – 18.15 – 20.00
DigitalArt4Climate Exhibition event & Reception powered by ArtsHelp
(Fun, inspiration, visibility and networking), Curved Wall space, UN HQ Conf building 1st fl.
9 Sept – 10.00-11.30
Climate Changemakers session
Moderator: Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha
- Taylor Garner, UN Habitat – Youth 2030 Cities programme
- Climate Changemakers Program Partner – Leah Namugarwa – Fridays for Future Uganda
- Michael Bäcklund, Climate
- Moran Sol Broza, Be1.Together Movement & Platform

9 Sept – 11.30-13.00
Resource Mobilization for Action for Climate Empowerment Session
Presentation of DigitalArt4Climate (Youth) Action for Climate Empowerment Resource Mobilization Programmes:
- for a Youth Climate Action Fund
- for setting up Youth Climate Action Hubs (incl. satellite based internet access modules where needed) with pilot sites in Africa
- for the digitalization of UNFCCC Archives
- for Youth/Citizen Climate Action Reporting, Certification and Registration tools and socio-technical infrastructure
- Irina Karagyaur – Unique network NFT platform & DigitalArt4Climate co-coordinator
- Tihomir Divjak – GloCha youth hubs satellite based internet access program
- Trang Fernandez-Leenknecht, Holistik – wealth planning – Regulatory and Tax dimensions of blockchain enabled resource mobilization for climate/SDGs
- David Haddow, Social Shifters Platform
- Robbie Heeger,, resource mobilization innovation for non-profits
9 Sept – 14.00-15.30
International Youth Conference IYC session
- Michelle Silveira – From youth events to youth impact events with digital innovation
- Faatiha Ayat, youth perspectives on UN climate conferences and global cooperation
Moderator: Ali Mustafa, IYC, GloCha & AFS (Presentation of IYC 6 Conference, Sept 2022 & World Climate Action day initiative & Pre-announcement of IYC7 2023 in San Francisco on youth & digital innovation & partners)
Speakers (to be confirmed):
- Zoya Dhakam, Columbia University/SIPA, UN DGC youth delegates programme
- Enes Guven, Boston Education and Counseling, IYC & IAAI UN delegate
- Alejandra Giraldo

9 Sept – 15.30-16.30 – Plans and Initiatives for COP27 and COP28 session
Thematic intro:
- Hoda Saad Abdelhaleem, IAAI GloCha team member in Egypt – Civil Society in Egypt as partner of the global community in the context of COP27
- Miroslav Polzer – presentation of IAAI GloCha COP27 plans (DigitalArt4Climate COP27 Art Competition presentation, Side event “Digital Innovation & Resource Mobilization Innovation for Inclusive Action for Climate Empowerment”, DigitalArt4Climate & DigitalInnovation4Climate pavilion, Individual SDG Wheel NFT minting & onsite Global Challenges ID (with NFT & NFC) printing, ..)
- presentation of COP27 plans by other conference participants
- discussion
9 Sept – 16.30-17.00 – Closing Session
DigitalArt4Climate Exhibition:
The art exhibition will take place in the curved-wall exhibition space at the United Nations Headquarters in New York preceding the opening of the General Assembly from September 6th to the 9th. Participants and invitees will be able to see and interact with digital art such as the DigitalArt4Climate award winners from COP 26 in Glasgow on TVs projecting a walk-through through the DigitalArt4Climate virtual gallery and learn about the concept and tools of this innovative youth climate action empowerment initiative. Among 208 artworks from 58 countries the the DigitalArt4Climate competition selected 30 creations with a great level of art skills and unique ideas about the Climate Action which will be sold on the DigitalArt4Climate marketplace as CleanNFTs for resource mobilization in support of Sustainable Development Goals and UN Agenda 2030 implementation.
Announcement: DigitalArt4Climate COP27 Call for Submissions open

Contact: dr. Miroslav Polzer, executive director of the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges,