Invitation: Data Visualization Event of ‘The World We Want 2015’ Policy and Strategy Group at UN HQ in NY, 16 May 2014



Dear Colleagues,

The World We Want 2015 Policy and Strategy Group
invites you to attend “launching the World We Want 2015 Trends page”, which aims to be a one-stop-shop for data consumption and visualizations of the global conversation on Post-2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals, at an event at UN Headquarters in New York on 16 May 2014.

The World We Want is a platform created by the United Nations and civil society to amplify people’s voices in the process of building a post2015 global agenda for sustainable development.

The May 16 event will usher a new phase in the World We Want 2015 global conversation demonstrating data evolution from a consultation focused web platform to the visualization of data analytics and data curation as we develop a new set of global goals for a Post-2015 world

“The World We Want 2015 Trends”

Please find attached a Save the Date Flyer

Date:                    May 16th, 2014

Time:                   13:00-14:45

Location:            ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, NYC

Warm regards

Rosa Lizarde (Feminist Task Force) & Ravi Karkara (UN-Millennium Campaign)

Policy and Strategy Group WWW 2015 Co-Chairs


Miroslav Polzer
member of World We Want 2015 Policy and Strategy Group


Please RSVP via email by May 12 with Full Name of guest, Organization Name, Email, and if guest would require pass to enter UNHQ to Austin Schiano, Secretariat: austinschiano @ +1(908) 528-6866 and Alice Chen, Communications: alice.chen @ +1 (609) 651-0945


Please be aware of the fact that 5-11 May is the Global Week of Action for the MyWorkd2015 Survey.


IAAI as partner of MyWorld 2015 survey and member of Global Partnership for Youth in post2015 Development Agenda (see attachment) kindly invite You to spread the word about this unique participation opportunity in the context of development of post2015 global sustainable development framework

For more info see