IAAI GloCha at 2016 Bonn Climate Change Conference

WP 20160519 20 02 01 Pro

IAAI participated with a strong delegation in 2016 Bonn Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC SBI44)16-20th of May 2016.

WP 20160519 20 02 01 Pro

(from left: Joseph Robertson, Jean Paul Brice Affana, Anam Gill, Martin Rutar)


-joint side event with CliMates on Climate Change Education and Youth Empowerment (details can be found in the attachment), video of the event: https://youtu.be/0E7i6pl_3O8 


– meeting with Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC


– prepaaration for #GYMC16 with UNFCCC and COP22 host country http://www.cop22.ma/



 detailed info regarding the side event:


Communicating Climate Change & Empowering Action: Youth, Social Media, Music & Resource Mobilization

an official Side Event to 2016 Bonn Climate Change Conference

Date:     Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 16:45—18:15

Venue: Bonn I/II

The question: How can global community set up at COP22 a youth focused resource mobilization and multistakeholder engagement support system for climate action?

The context: Article 6/ACE, lessons learned at COP20 & 21 + outcomes of 2016 ECOSOC Youth Forum climate change session http://bit.ly/1oovlwu

       What is needed for effective and rewarding climate action youth engagement (ECOSOC Youth Forum climate change breakout session proposals: http://newsroom.unfccc.int/unfccc-newsroom/youth-demand-stronger-voice-in-shaping-international-climate-action/)

       Resource mobilization – concrete ideas!!

       What did we learn at COP21 and where do we stand in the preparations for COP22 and COY12?

       UN system at work

Timothy Damon, YOUNGO
Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha
Yann Lesestre, CliMates
Merouane Touali, COP22 organizing team
Adriana Valenzuela UNFCCC
Joseph Robertson CCEN
Renice Anna-Lee Bostic, Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network

Michael Xu, China

Margaux Jobin, CliMates &
Jean Paul Brice Affana Affana, AVD & IAAI