1. Tag der Zivilgesellschaft Kärnten / Koroška – 1st Carinthian day of Civil Society
1. Tag der Zivilgesellschaft Kärnten / 1st Carinthian day of Civil Society 15 September 2016, Messezentrum Klagenfurt Die...
1. Tag der Zivilgesellschaft Kärnten / 1st Carinthian day of Civil Society 15 September 2016, Messezentrum Klagenfurt Die...
IAAI hosted a #GiveYouthaChance panel on Youth Empowerment for Agenda 2030 at NGO Summit for the SDGs at UN HQ...
2016 Regular IAAI General Assembly 25th of August 2016 UN DPI NGO Resource Center Meeting Room, New York ...
First Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum) New York, 6-7 June 2016...
IAAI participated with a strong delegation in 2016 Bonn Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC SBI44)16-20th of May 2016. (from left: Joseph...
Youth Empowerment for Climate Action through Information and Communication Technologies IAAI Workshop in the context of Informatik 2016 Conference "For...
IAAI is co-organizing in the framework of United Nations Joint Framework Initiative on Children, Youth and Climate Change together with...
IAAI GloCha COP21 mini side event "#GiveYouthaChance - Resource Mobilization for Youth Climate Action" Speakers: Jean Paul Brice Affana, AVD...
Press release, Klagenfurt, 6th of November 2015 - Winners of the Global Challenges Youth Music Contest #GYMC15 announced Youth using...